Searching For Light

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Warnings: Depression, Cutting, Blood, Emotions, Other things that make me seem sadistic

Relationship: Grian/Doc


Grian was stuck in a cave, deep underground. He managed to find his way down there without thinking, stuck in a trance. He was currently at Y level 3, he couldn't for the life of him remember why he was down this low.

His breathing was shaky as he walked down, running his fingers along the cold, rough stone wall. Grian saw a patch of light and walked towards it. Once he reached it, Grian kneeled in front of it, feeling the heat of the light attack his face.

Grian let his hand touch the light, for him it immediately turned purple. His breathing got heavy, he felt surrounded by black landscape. As he lifted his hand, the source of the light fell off his hand like liquid.

Grian sat against the wall, his hand felt hot, felt burned, but he couldn't feel pain.


He was just a kid, young, strong, born of a Watcher family. His father had just finished beating him. He sat on his bed crying. Doing nothing but struggling to breathe as he stuttered.

"Too small, too young, too weak." He was told, every day from his father, constantly a disappointment to him. Grian managed to use his powers to form a blade, putting it to his skin.







Seventeen cuts were scattered against each arm, bleeding profusely. He laid in the bed, fell asleep.


<Xisuma> Have you found him yet?

<Docm77> No, and I'm worried that I never will.

Doc saw a shadow of a human, feathers flying off a pair of wings. He walked faster towards it, and saw Grian.

"There you are." Doc said, kneeling next to him, "Grian?"

Doc noticed Grian's purple, tear filled eyes, and noticed how out of it he was. He noticed Grian's hand burned, he grabbed his medical kit, wrapped up his hand and arms.

Doc put his hand against Grian's cheek, "Grian? Look at me."

"They're coming for me. They're coming, they're coming."

"Gri, who's coming?"

He didn't get an answer just, Grian mumbling 'they're coming' over and over again. Doc put his other hand on Grian's shoulder, still no response. Doc held Grian close to his chest.

"C'mon, Gri. Come back to me. Come back, breathe. You're safe." Do whispered into Grian's ear, "Grian, come back to me."

Grian's breath stuttered, "D-Doc?"

"Shh... It's okay, you've been out of it for a bit. Just breathe, you're okay."

Doc felt Grian hug him back and he held him tighter to his chest. Doc could feel Grian shaking, "Breathe, okay?"

Grian moved under Doc's chin, his wings disappearing. Doc picked up the small hermit, letting him sleep in his arms as he carried him out of the cave.

Doc brought Grian to his base and laid him in his bed. Doc walked to the kitchen and got a cold bowl of water and a washcloth. As he was dabbing the cloth on Grian's forehead Xisuma flew in the window.


Doc looked over silently, no words spoken.

"Okay..." Xisuma dragged, "How... How is he?"

"I don't know. He fell asleep and I think he's just really tired." Doc said, wringing out the cloth, "I found him all cut up and his hand burned."

"How was his hand burned?"

"Lava. I don't know what he thought it was but he was really out of reality when I found him."

"I think I have a reason for that..." Xisuma said, sitting on the opposite side of Doc, "Today makes three years since his father killed his mother and almost him."

"That's today? He must have went into a panic attack then. He just kept mumbling, 'they're coming'. I couldn't do much at all about it except try and get him to sleep."

"Let him rest then. I'll be here to check on him."

"I think I'll be fine watching him alone. This isn't the first time he's been like this. Last time it was a violent outburst. I can handle a little Grian problem that I have no problem handling. I'll be fine."

"Text me if you need anything at all, okay?"

"Yeah, now go. Let him sleep."

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