I Was Almost an Angel

631 26 18

Warnings: Hospitals, car accidents, severe injury, blood, seizures, kidnapping, handcuffs, near death

Relationship: Grian/Zedaph

Summary: Grian's been kidnapped in the main hub, he's in the backseat of his own car, handcuffed and gagged in a high-speed chase. He nearly dies.


Grian was just trying to enjoy his day when he was suddenly held at gunpoint and forced to drive into the woods of the main hub. There, his wrists were tied together with a zip-tie, blindfolded, and gagged, then thrown into the backseat of his car, laying on his side uncomfortably on the floor.

He knew for a fact that there were guns being pointed at his head, so one wrong move and his brains would be decorating the backseat of his car. He stayed as quiet as he possibly could, he only started slightly panicking when the driver started speeding up, faster, faster, and faster. He soon heard the loud, sheer sound of the sirens of police cars and he felt the guns move out of the way, jumping when he heard not one, not two, but four shots of the weapon.

With his ears ringing, he managed to move enough to get the blindfold off, he looked under the seat in front of him and saw the pocket knife underneath. Quickly opening it and cutting off the zip-tie, he slowly moved to a sitting position and tried looking out the back windshield. He couldn't see anything, but he could hear everything.

Choppers, multiple of them, cop cars, there had to be at least five, he heard multiple gun shots not only from his kidnappers but also from the cops behind him. For a brief moment he thought he could smell oil. It only took three seconds for him to start panicking.

One of the cops ruptured my oil thing... I have to find a way to get their attention. 

He noticed the back window was cracked with MULTIPLE bullet holes. He took off his sweater and started tossing it up, desperately hoping to get their attention. He thought the only attention he got was the driver speeding up even more.


"Attention all units; Suspects have a hostage. I repeat, suspects have a hostage."

The officer took hold of the communication device and spoke into it, "No heavy artillery. Hostage may be harmed."

"Well we weren't planning too Callihan!"

"Road block spikes set and ready."


Grian suddenly felt a strong hit on the breaks, because of where he was, when the car flipped over, he not only fell with it but also flew out the windshield, immediately unconscious.

Multiple paramedics ran to his side and four to the vehicle.

"Get him on his back." Paramedic one said, "He's got glass everywhere."

"He's losing a lot of blood."

Grian had two medium sized pieces of glass in his face and many tiny shards, a three inch deep gash in his upper arm, and a deep gash on his stomach that was bleeding profusely.

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