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Ren had always been alone, especially when he was young. He was five when he was turned to a werewolf. His parents abandoned him one night when they found out.

He had to learn very fast how to survive on his own. When he was alone in the woods, he had been running from hunters. He was a very fast runner, but the hunters had a crossbow and they managed to shoot him in the neck just barely paralyzing him with the arrow.

"I want that wolf's head!"

He heard the faint noise of leaves and twigs crunching frantically like another person was running from something.

He saw the person run past him, but then walk back to him and put a hand on his leg.

"Shh..." The person said, then covered him with leaves, then he went to hide again.

When the person who was saving him assured that the hunters were gone, he ran back to him and picked him up.

"You'll be okay.. You'll be okay.. I'll get you help, I just need light."

Ren made a protesting noise but couldn't move because of the arrow.

It felt like forever until he was laid on a table. For a moment he could see a purple flame, then it wrapped around the arrow and he could feel the heat going through his skin where the arrow pierced.

Then suddenly, the arrow was out and the being was healing him. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the concern and worry in the glowing purple eyes in the person working on him.

When he woke up the next morning, he felt weaker, but also slightly better.

When he shifted, he heard a gasp of surprise.

"You scared me." The voice was slightly high pitched, "That arrow you were shot with was tipped with silver... You're a werewolf, aren't you?"

Ren sat up with a groan and rubbed his neck, "Yeah. What are you? What did you do to me?"

"I.. I saved your life." The small person said playing with the arrow slightly, "Um.. I'm.. I'm a Watcher. Uh, I've been running since I was three."

"How old are you?"

"Five.. You?"


"And you're out all alone?!"

"You're two years younger than me! Did you run from them?"

"No... They kicked me out."

"I can't imagine Watchers kicking out other Watchers..."

"Well... I've been considered.. Defective."


"Because I can shapeshift and I value the life of smaller beings."

"But that's awesome!" Ren nearly shouted, "I mean, you literally saved my life."

"Well.. Watchers are a weird species."

"That scar on your neck... Where'd you get it?"

"I was attacked by another shapeshifter."

Within the next four years, the two learned to adapt and fight together.

Until one day, Grian was alone again. Ren was summoned to a new world and Grian was stuck in the same one.

He was alone for ten years before Grian himself was summoned to the same world Red was in.

"Welcome to Hermitcraft, Watcher." Someone greeted.

Grian grunted as he pushed himself up to his feet.

"Uh, hi..."

"You got a name, kid?" The masked person asked, "Name's Xisuma."

"I.." Grian noticed a rather familiar person behind him, and his attention went straight to him, "That scar... Where'd you get it?"

The person in question pulled his hand to his neck, "I got it when I was young and some... Watcher... Healed.. Me."

He slowed his sentence as he came to reality.


"Ren?" Grian felt his breath escape him and his face lit up and he ran up and hugged him, "Oh my gosh, Ren! I never thought I'd see you again!"

"You two know each other?"

"Yeah, I saved his life when he was shot in the neck with a silver tipped arrow."

"We had a bond that grew so strong. We were nearly inseparable, X."

"I think you'll fit in nicely."

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