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Warnings: Neglect, implied abuse, mentioned miscarriage, violence after hearing bad news, mild swearing

Relationship: Grian/Ren, Grian/Samgladiator

Grian - angel omega
Sam - Rabbit Alpha
Ren - Werewolf Alpha


~POV: Grian, Location: Sam's house~

I've not been feeling the best for the past two weeks. I've asked Sam, my current alpha, to take me to the hospital and he never did. He knows damn well I'm carrying his child and he won't help me.

Some alpha he is. Alpha's are supposed to care for their omega's. Not treat them like shit.

"What's wrong with you?" Sam asked kneeling beside me while I was currently laying against the wall in a cold sweat, "You look like shit."

I sent a tired glare at him, "You refused to take me to a hospital when I asked you too. I am fighting pneumonia without medicine."

"Suck it up."

"TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL! I NEED MEDICAL ATTENTION!" I broke off into a coughing fit, barely able to catch my breath, "You'll kill your child if you don't take me to a medical professional."

"It's always hospital with you. First when you sprained your ankle, now this."


"Ugh, fine." Sam groaned, "Get in the car I'll take you to the ER."

With my struggle to get up, I got into Sam's car and laid down in the backseat, primarily because it was most comfortable for me to be in that position but also because I wanted to keep an eye on him as much as possible while I was texting a few friends in a server I am supposed to be joining after this pregnancy is over.

Xisuma, Ren


So you're telling me that the alpha you have now hasn't been taking you to hospital when you need it?

MeThat would be correct. Right now he's driving me to the ER.

I can't wait until you're free of his clutches. Do you want us to meet you there?

I'd rather you not. I've got Pneumonia so I'd rather you be at a safer distance than be watching over my sick face

But I'd rather be sick with you. :(

No you really wouldn't.

After I had sent that text, we arrived at the hospital. I masked up and took my medical cards in hand I walked in and up to the receptionists.

"Can I help you Sir?"

"Yeah, hi. Uh I'm pretty sure I have Pneumonia and-"

"He can't suck it up." Sam interrupted, I shoved him out of the way and turned my attention back to the receptionist.

"Anyways, I've been dealing with this for two weeks I need attention."

They allowed me to go to the back where they asked me multiple questions and took some blood. After a moment I was put into a room and given IV fluids and liquid antibiotics, also put on oxygen.

When a doctor came back about twenty minutes later, Sam was asleep and I was half asleep.

"Your blood work came back with traces of heroin. Are you doing drugs, Grian?" He said, I glanced towards Sam with an annoyed look, "I just need you to initial the vials."

There were two different coloured pens on the tray. One red, a card behind it saying if I'm being abused at home, the other blue with a card saying everything is fine. I took the red pen and initialed it.

He handed me another card.

Do you have someone you can call?

Yes : 
No :

I once again grabbed the red pen and wrote down Xisuma and Ren's phone numbers.

Sam had given the doctors permission to do an ultrasound on me whilst I was asleep.

It scared me when I woke and it rose my heart rate up twenty clicks. I glared at Sam, then looked to the doctor who had an uneasy look on his face. I didn't understand until Sam hit me in the head, "WHAT THE HELL DID I DO?!"



Not even a minute later, Sam was pulled from the room by security and other doctors started treating me. They allowed me to fall asleep as they did what they needed to do.

I woke up hours later in a normal hospital room. It was midday and two people were with me. One running his fingers across my face, the other sitting across the room.

"Oh shit, you scared me." The person stroking my face said, "How're you feeling?"

I chuckled at his fright, "I'm fine. Or at least I will be."

"Good. We came as soon as they called."

"Thanks, Ren." I said with a smile, "Did they say when I could come home?"

"No, but I think they want to keep you here under observation for a few days before they let you go."

"As long as I'm going home with you two, I'm fine with that."

"Oh yeah, that reminds me. Sam got shot and killed." I heard Xisuma say, "Get this, he attacked two cops."


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