
900 27 20

Warnings: Basically a panic attack, 

Relationship: Grian/ZIT, primarily Grian/Zed


"Boy. Time of birth, 11:43 AM. Take it's blood and tell me what it is immediately. I want its results ASAP."

"Yes sir."

He turned back to the lady, "We'll only keep you around to take care of your son. After that you know the deal."

"Sir, it's an omega, three pounds, angel."

"It's early then."

"Would you like us to chip him?"

"Chip it. Put it with the mother. Make it survive."

"Yes sir. We'll put it with the mother after its chipping."

~Twenty Minutes Later~

"You poor tiny thing..." The mother said, "I wish I could protect you."

"Have you named it?"

"No, because you monsters won't let me."

"Good. I wouldn't want you getting attached to a thing that you're going to lose when it can stand on its own."

"He isn't a thing!"

"It's a thing." The scientist pulled out a notepad, "Subject 34 healthy. Subject 34.5, healthy, premature. Keep it alive."

~Ten Years Later~

He was alone in a cell, constantly getting hurt. He became of age when he turned ten. He knew when he heard faint beeping in the back of his head. He shook against the wall of his cell, no shirt, no shoes, no privacy.

His wings grew in when he was five. Since then, customers walked by his cell and 'chose' him for their needs. He was separated from his mother at the age of five when his wings grew in.


Grian sat in his mansion listening to the faint beeping noise coming from his neck.

This was another month of hoping and praying that no one would find him. Ever since he left and ran to hermitcraft, he's been lucky. But there was always that feeling that he could be found and taken back.


Grian looked up with slightly frightened eyes at the person speaking to him.

"Are you okay? You're trembling."

"Z-zed I'm f-f-fine." Grian stuttered.

Zedaph sat beside him, "No, you're not. What's going on? You get like this every month, you lock yourself away from everyone."

"I-I'm just sc-scared."



"You were trafficked? For how long?"

"Ev-ever since I was b-born."

Zed listened for a moment, "What's that beeping noise?"

"The tracking chip they implanted in the base of my skull."

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