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Warnings: An upset Grian, panic attack that sends him sad

Relationship: Grian/Doc

Summary: Not a lot of hermits know about Grian's past. So one morning, Grian gets a flashback that sends him crying in a panic.



Grian trembled on the ground as Sam shouted and swung at him. In a last line of defense, his Watcher powers pulsed, shoving Sam back.

"Oh my goodness... S-Sam.. I-I-I'm sorry! I-I-I-"

"STOP STUTTERING AND TALK LIKE A NORMAL PERSON." He shoved Grian's head into the wall, "But I forgot. You're not normal. You think you're so special because YOU HAVE POWERS."

"P-Please, Sam.. Stop, y-you're-You're hurting me!"

"Good. Maybe you'll learn to be NORMAL THEN."

Grian started crying tears of fear then he was being choked.


Grian strained and pawed at Sam's arm, "Let... Go..."

Grian woke with a scream, hyperventilating, crying. He pulled a hand up to his throat trying to make sure nothing was there. When he pulled his hand away from himself, he buried his face in his pillow and tried to dampen his sobs.


He thought he could hear someone call his name, but it didn't register. Soon he felt a hesitant hand between his shoulder blades, running circles between them.

"Grian, hey... What's going on?" A gruff German voice asked softly, "Grian, look at me... Please?"

Grian whimpered, sniffled, then looked towards the person speaking.


"Hey, what's wrong? What's going on?"

"I-I-I... N-Nightmare... S-Sam..."

"Hey, shh."

"I-I-I'm sorry, I'm n-not try-trying to s-stutter."

"Don't worry about it. You can stutter all you want, you're crying. It's fine."

"A-Are you s-sure? I-I-"

"Hey, c'mere." Doc whispered, moving Grian into his lap and holding him close, just trying to stop his trembling, "You don't have to hide, you don't have to pretend you're something else."


"No buts. Whatever trauma your ex put you through, you don't have to think about anymore." He rested his chin on top of Grian's head when Grian put his head against his shoulder, "Because I'm here now. And I plan on protecting you, okay?"

Doc felt one tear hit him, then he felt Grian grip onto him tighter. He only returned the favour, feeling his sad little gremlin calm down and stop trembling. As Grian's tremble died, Doc picked up his exhausted boy and carefully picked him up to bring him to his base.

Doc decided to take Grian's sweater off him because when he usually got like this, he tends to overheat. He moved Grian's curls out of his face. He smiled at the young hermit, then stroked his cheek lightly, earning a light wine from him and his eyes fluttered.


"Hey, shh, go back to sleep, okay?" Doc cooed softly, "I'll wake you when I'm done cooking you dinner, and you can eat it in bed then we'll watch a movie. Sound good?"


He chuckled at how tired and slightly vulnerable the state Grian was in, then watched him fall back to sleep knowing he was protected with him.

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