Fight Your Instincts

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Warnings: Torture, Abuse, blood, the usual... I think we all know where this is going.

Relationship: Grian/Ren (It's an odd one I know. IT'S FINE.)


Ren, an innocent werewolf hybrid, our young friend was lighting up some of the caves and dungeons. When he was down in the deeper depths, he say something shining purple. He put down his last torch and picked up the small crystal.

"This is an odd little thing." Ren said, "I should probably give this to Xisuma..."

<Xisuma> Meeting in five. Ren where are you?


<renthedog> Sorry! Got lost caving. I'm omw!

Ren quickly made his way to where the hermits were. When he walked in, he noticed that Grian had twitched his head a bit. He decided not to acknowledge it until after though.

Through the meeting, Grian's twitching grew more frequent.

"Grian? Are you okay?" Xisuma asked, interrupting his own sentence, "You're a bit... twitchy."

"I'm okay... I think. I think it's just a cold or something."

"If you say so." Xisuma then continued the meeting.

With Grian being one of the closer people to Ren, he was having trouble keeping his focus.

Xisuma noticed Grian's irises changing colours, "I think we should call the meeting here. Does anyone have anything they'd like to share before we go?"

"Oh, yeah! I found this crystal down in the dungeons." Ren said beginning to pull it out.

Xisuma quickly noticed the crystal before Ren had pulled it out quickly, he looked to Grian in an instant, "GRIAN!"

Grian gasped and quickly flew away, he was gone in an instant.

"What was that all about?!" Asked the concerned hermits.

"Give me that crystal, Ren. They cause more damage than good." Xisuma said taking the crystal from him, "The Watchers used these on those they deemed defective. Which is a fancy way of saying, these crystals mess with watchers minds if in the wrong hands." 

"So what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that Grian was put through torture as a watcher. And since the crystals effect brainwaves, it's stuck to Grian's mind through torture and control." Xisuma said, he carefully put the crystal into a toxic container, "The Watchers used these crystals to put it in Grian's mind that everything he's done was wrong. They used it to control his entire movements, thoughts, and actions."

"So what're you going to do with it?" Ren asked concerned.

"I gotta go to the main hub and dispose of it safely. Make sure Grian is okay. If you find any more of those crystals, put them in my base and keep them away from Grian."

Xisuma quickly then portalled out of Hermitcraft, Ren, Mumbo, Iskall, and Scar all going out to find Grian.

They found Grian huddled in a corner in his trading hall, his tools and weapons all thrown in front of him.


His head snapped towards them and he quickly moved away, "Stay away from me. I know you don't have the crystal, but I don't have control of my powers. I don't wanna hurt you."

"Grian, we just need to make sure that you're okay." Scar said, Grian pulled his hands to his ears.

"I am not  okay. I think they're coming for me. They're coming and I'm in danger. I can't think straight. I can't hear myself think." Grian rambled, when Scar started walking closer towards him, Grian used the last bit of his control and put a barrier around him, "I told you stay away! I'm not in control!"

Scar turned towards the others, "I think there's a crystal in here. Find it."

"His powers are linked to his heart. Don't let him get hurt."

"The crystals immediately put his mind back under control of the Watchers."

"Fight your instincts, Grian."

"You aren't what they say you are!"

"Grian, breathe. I'm here, you're safe."

Grian's eyes snapped to the call. All he saw were Watchers.

"This isn't real." He told himself, "This isn't real."

A scream was heard and Grian's vision cleared. Four bodies on the floor, darts in their necks.

"Hello, Xelqua."

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