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Warnings: Light swearing, Heartbreak... That's it.

Relationship: Grian x Xisuma / Xisuma x Doc

Prepare yourselves.


Grian was in a happy relationship.

Emphasis on was.

He knew that there was always something that could end a relationship. But today was a bad day. For not only him, but the hermits that were involved with the incident.

Grian was currently sitting in the corner of his trading hall with his knees tucked tightly to his chest as tears were falling on his knees.


Grian sniffled before looking up, "Oh... Hey, Mumbo.." Grian uncurled himself and wiped his eyes, "What do you need?"

"I personally don't need anything.. I was looking for you." Mumbo said sitting beside him, "No one's seen you all day."

"Well, I'm kinda going through some... Things."

"What kind of 'things', G?"

"I.. Uh.."

"Did something happen between you and X?"

Grian didn't answer, but Mumbo understood.

"What happened?"

Grian leaned into Mumbo before speaking, "I had just gotten back from the shopping district..."

~This Morning~

Grian had just finished stocking the barge at five in the morning. So he went into the shopping district nether portal and casually walked through the hub.

He was on his way to see Xisuma, he was happy and had a skip in his step as he walked through the hot, miserable, landscape that was the Nether.

When he got into Xisuma's base he made his way up to the bedroom. Landing on the edge, he swear heard someone giggling.

He walked to the door and opened it, "Hey, X, I'm-..."

"Grian!" Xisuma exclaimed, "It's not-"

Grian held out his hand, "Stop. I.. I didn't see anything."

He walked out with his voice breaking as tears formed at the edges of his eyes.

He heard Xisuma call his name then grab his arm.

"Grian, stop for a moment and listen to me!"

Grian ripped his arm away from Xisuma's grip, "Y'know, I expect this shit from Doc..." His voice breaking terribly, "But I didn't expect this from you. We're done. Leave me alone, X."

He flew off without another word as he continued to clear his eyes so he could see clearly as he was flying. He didn't realize how fast he was flying until he hit a bamboo stalk, HARD. He continued to hit every other stalk as he fell.

When he landed he pulled himself to sit on his knees. His shoulder and wing hurt to all hell. He peeked over the injured shoulder.

Sprained. Great.

He got up, the searing pain in his wing didn't help him. He figured it was dislocated, but he left it until he could muster up the energy and mental capacity to text someone. He walked the rest of the way to his mansion, and relaxed... Or at least tried to.

So he just sat in the corner of his trading hall.


"So yeah, X and I are done through because I found him cheating on me with Doc." Grian said, beginning to cry once more, "Can you snap my wing back into place?"

Mumbo nodded, "3, 2, 1." He snapped the wing back into place.

Mumbo pulled him to his chest as Grian's sobs got harsher. Inside Grian's chest, he could feel his heart breaking into tiny pieces as he clung onto Mumbo tightly.

Mumbo only held him there, tightly, and comfortingly rubbing circles into the young hermit's back.

"I got you..." Mumbo whispered, "I got you."

When Mumbo felt Grian's grip weaken, he lifted his chin to find him asleep. He picked him up and walked him to his bed and pulled the covers over him. As he was about to walk away, he saw Xisuma walk into the mansion.

"Mumbo, hey hav-"

"What do you want, Xisuma?" Mumbo growled, crossing his arms.

"Look, I just want to know if you've seen Grian."

"Dude, he's asleep." Mumbo said walking up to him, "You broke his heart."

"I- I know. I just want to check on him and apologize."

"What's your problem, Xisuma?!" Mumbo semi-shouted, "Grian loved you with his entire heart, and you stomped on it by cheating on him with Doc."


"Your actions have consequences, you need to learn that!" Mumbo shouted, slamming him into the wall. "This is the second relationship you've ruined because you've cheated on your partner. What's killing him is that this isn't the first time you've done this to him. He forgave you the first time! And you've done it again. And with Doc of all people!"

"Mumbo, I-"

"Shut it, Xisuma. Leave him alone until he goes to you to talk."

"Mumbo, leave him alone." Grian said walking over rubbing his eyes, "Just.. Just leave him alone, Mumbo. It's not worth it."

"Grian, I-"

"X, STOP." Grian shouted, "I don't want to hear any more of your excuses. Just go." He motioned him away, "Just go. Leave my mansion. I'll talk to you when I'm ready."

"But Grian-"

"Xisuma, I said go. You broke my heart twice while we were together. I can't go through that kind of heartbreak again." Grian interrupted once more, he turned around and walked back to the main room, "Go."

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