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Warnings: Pinning a crime on another person, torture, unethical repossession of a child

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma

Grian - Deaged (7) Watcher
Xisuma is the flipping caregiver


Xisuma had adopted Grian to make sure he was safe. A young winged kid in the hands of abusers could lead to an entire city being destroyed.

Xisuma found Grian hurt inside one of the shelters. The only reason he gained Grian's trust so quickly was because he tended to his wounds, showing him kindness and hope in a stranger that was there to help him.

With Grian being a Watcher, he was primarily attached to Xisuma, it was part of his nature. Xisuma had shown him love and kindness that he didn't get from anyone else.

Today, Grian was sleeping against Xisuma as he was watching a movie. His wings were wrapped around him and Xisuma like a warm fluffy blanket. About halfway through, a few hard knocks were heard on his door and he got up slowly and answered it.

"Uh.... Can I help you?"

"Hi, we're from Child Protective Services. We got a tip that you were endangering the child you adopted last weekend."

"I can assure you that call is fake. Grian is perfectly fine. He's sleeping on the couch."

Xisuma let them walk in and do their thing while he sat beside Grian and put his arm around him.

"I don't understand why there here..." Grian mumbled,  "Why are they here, Papa Void?"

"They think a call they got is true so they're doing their rounds."

"Are they going to take me away?"

"I don't think so, okay?"

Grian hugged Xisuma, "I don't wanna leave."

Just at that moment, the CPS people walked up to Xisuma with concerned looks.

"Xisumavoid, give us the child. We've found multiple weapons unsecured and in range of the winged child. You're also under arrest for child endangerment."

"WHAT!?" Xisuma shouted the moment they started grabbing Grian, "Get your hands off him! I don't have unsecured weapons! I'm an admin, I make sure everything dangerous is secured and out of reach of the untrained!"

They started dragging Grian away but he kept struggling against them as he tried making his way through and back to Xisuma.

The only thing he noted was Grian's cries for Xisuma to save him. But Xisuma couldn't do anything, legally anyway.

The moment Grian was brought back to the shelter, he was immediately bought back by the person who caused him the most pain.

"No! No! Stop! Let me go! I don't wanna go with him!" Grian shouted, fighting against administrators and Sam, "I wanna go back to Suma! I don't want to be with him!"

"Sedate him." Sam growled, "I'm tired of him fighting against us."

One of the administrators wrapped his arms around Grian so he was unable to move his arms to struggle. And in a second a needle was in Grian's neck with a mild sedative. As he grew more tired a whine sounded at the end of his throat as he slowly became unconscious.

When Grian woke up he noticed that he wasn't in a home, he was in a prison. As the door opened, Sam walked in and Grian moved to the farthest wall.

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