Fallen In the Dead of Night

642 24 35

Warnings: Blood, Injury, permadeath, mind control, Fallen mechanics, faking death, Light Swearing

Relationship: None


Sam = Devil, takes control of Doc and Iskall = Permakill 2 hermits
Grian, Scar, Xisuma, Mumbo: Angels
ZIT: Demons
Grian fakes his death


MumboJumbo was killed by T̶̲̟͕̦͔̑͛͋͒̍̅̽͠h̴̜͎̞̦͛̏̌̚e̸̯̬͂͠ ̶̨͖̭̼̫̩͊̅́R̴̢͈̩͕̣͍̤̮̻͂ͅe̸̪͚̓á̸̧͕͉͙̞̘̊͋͊̽̉͂͊̈́p̶̧̝̙̘̲̙̥̥̬̦̄̍̒͆̒̏ę̶̤̮̺͕̫̣̊̄̒̚ṙ̷͍̙͂̊͒̓̈́̐̓͛͘ ̶̻͖͓̯̟̻̪͛͂̓̽̉̓̐͝b̶̟̝̦͖̦̘͍̟̌̑͋́̇̿̐͜͠͝ẙ̶̘̟͕̍́̎̓́͆͆͝͠ ̷̨̬̟̈̆̎́͛́̂̋S̵̺̱̟̞̳̮͕̰̤͕̋̄͝à̶̡̗̣̩͙t̷̡͖̤̼̤͕͙̄͜ą̵̗̘̗̟͓͕̔͗n̷̨͗

Grian looked at his communicator with blind confusion, then the next message popped up.

MumboJumbo has gotten the achievement {Permadeath}

"Oh that's not good." Grian mumbled, running over to his angel statue he put under his bed, lifting the head and pressing the button, alerting every remaining member of Fallen to his location. Underneath the small statue laid a box of bracelets, he grabbed the two golden pairs and put one at the base of his wrists, the other pair on his upper arms, they attached with a loud click.

Grian's wings spread, his wingspan was almost the size of his bedroom, but when his wings went back to folded, his entire attire was changed. Grian was now in a white velvet vest, black velvet pants, black combat boots that almost tightened against his ankles. He knelt on the floor and began tying them up while he waited for the others to show up.

When they all arrived, each angel was in the same attire, well, mostly. Grian was the leader of the group, so his bands were golden, the others were white. The three demons were in all black with a hint of red in their shirts.

"What do you need from us, Grian?" The ZIT's asked, "Where do you want us?"

"Zed, Impulse, Tango, I need you three on the ground." Grian replied, then looked towards the angels, "Since we have a member that's been perma-killed, he's forbidden from leaving the heaven realm without authorization from the king. Xisuma, Scar, we need to be in the air. With Mumbo gone, we have to figure out what we can do before we lose any more people."

"I thought you were the king?" Zedaph asked, immediately interrupted by Grian.

"That's my father. I told him I didn't want to be the heir to the throne, primarily because I like living amongst people, but also because I prefer being a warrior."

"I'll gather the remaining hermits in the town hal-"

"Don't, Scar. That's just what this guy is going to want. Get all of us in one place then kill each and every one of us."

"It's better than having each hermit out wandering."

"Not particularly." Grian said, pulling up a screen that the angels usually used, "I've recently went to hell, our good buddy Satan isn't in charge anymore."

"Then who is?"

"Samgladiator." Once Grian said that, he saw every hermit wince, "Exactly, which is why we can't put everyone in one space. The best we can do is make sure nobody goes anywhere alone."

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