Night of Tears

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Warnings: Implied Abuse, Briefly mentioned punishment, mild swearing

Relationship: Grian/Ren (Fatherly)


Grian was adopted by the hermits, Ren agreed to look over him as he grew.

Ren had to go off to get supplies, so he left Grian with Doc for the time being.

Doc was working on something in the main room of the base with Grian nearby.

"Doc?" Grian said cautiously trying not to alarm the hybrid, "Doc, I'm hungry."

"Then go make yourself some food."

"But I don't know how to cook."

Doc groaned and walked to the kitchen then tossed a box of crackers at him, "There. Eat those."


~An Hour Later~

"Grian, hand me those pliers, please?"

"Yeah." Grian replied, grabbing the pliers and handing them to Doc.

If Grian was being honest, he was quite intimidated by the hybrid. He was sat on the floor, one leg extended outwards, playing with one of his curls. Doc turned around and tripped over him on accident, dropping the item in his hand, breaking on impact.

"DAMMIT GRIAN!" Doc shouted pulling him to his feet then hitting him once, "ROOM. NOW."

He ran up to his room and ran to a corner and huddled in it.

Huddled in the corner, crying tugged up in the smallest ball he could possibly be in, staring at the sharp prismarine shard in front of him. He could only think about his past with the storm going on.


He sat in the corner, crying, Sam stormed in quickly, mad and carrying something.

"You wanna cry? I'll give you something to cry about." Sam growled in his ear when he yanked Grian to his feet, gripping his arm tightly then throwing him face first into the bed.

"P-Please, don't. I don't want to be hit anymore! I didn't do anything wrong!" He screamed when Sam delivered multiple hits against him.


After a moment Doc realized he's done something stupid and calls Ren.

"What did you do?"

"I don't know why you tell him to stay with me. I accidentally tripped over him and broke the thing I was working on. I got upset and hit him once and now I can't find him. I need you here."


He came back in in less than half an hour later.

"Where'd you tell him to go you idiot?" He asked immediately, "I need to find him before he does anything drastic."

"I told him to go to his room."

Ren glared at him and ran to Grian's room. He walked in and saw him huddled in the corner.

"Grian? Hey, Moonlight.." Ren said softly to the hiccuping child, gently stroking his arm, "Grian, look at me, please? What's going on?"

Grian said nothing and he hugged Ren tightly against him, crying into his chest, Ren's arms holding him closer.

"I got you, Moonlight. I got you, you're okay... Talk to me."

Grian stuttered his every word, "D-Doc hit m-me... I ran up here."

Ren grabbed the shard and put it in his inventory, "C'mon Moonlight, let's lay down in the bed and calm down."

Ren picked Grian up and took him to the bed. Grian remained on his lap, crying into Ren's shirt.

Grian refused to separate from Ren.

"Grian, Moonlight, listen to me a moment, okay?" Ren said softly when the child's tears started calming down, "Doc can be an idiot sometimes. I'm sorry he hit you, but he's just easily frustrated. Let's get some sleep, okay?"

"Stay with me?" Grian asked, hiccuping.

"Of coarse."

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