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Grian was hanging out with Iskall in the barge talking about the next deals when something crossed Grians' mind the wrong way.

"Hold up." Grian said, "Have you noticed the lack of lag today?"

"Now that you mention it..." Iskall said, "Yeah I have. Where's the lag master?"

"Which one? Scar or Mumbo?" Grian chuckled, "I'm gonna go check on Mumbo though. I've not seen him in a couple days."

"Let me know what you find." Iskall said.

"Yeah, sure." Grian chuckled, and flew off.

When Grian reached Mumbos' base, he saw the tall man aimlessly building and putting down bone-meal.

"Mumbo!" Grian shouted trying too get his attention, "Mumbo?"

When the tall man didn't answer him, Grian grabbed Mumbos' wrist and snapped Mumbo out of his trance.

"Grian? What're you doing here?" Mumbo asked.

Grian cocked his head, looked at Mumbo.

"Dude, you're pulling a me." Grian said, "Don't pull a me. You're overworking."

"I need to get this done."

"Mumbo.." Grian said putting a hand to his neck, "Dude, you're burning up. C'mon. Bed."

"Grian, I don't nee-"

"Yes you do. Bed. Now." Grian demanded, pulling Mumbo along to his bed.

Grian gave him some water and basically tied him to the bed.

"You're a mess." Grian chuckled.

<Grian> Iskall I figured it out

<Iskall85> What's that

<Grian> Mumbo's sick lol

<Iskall85> Do we have to quarentine

<Grian> no, it's just a cold. I'm gonna stay with him

<Iskall85> If you get sick I'm not taking care of you both

<Grian> It'll be fine! Caregiver Grian is working the case!

<Iskall85> My goodness

Grian turned back to Mumbo who had fallen asleep rather quickly. He got up for a moment and started putting together some soup. He set the bowl beside the table and leaned against the chair and relaxed.

About an hour Grian woke up to himself coughing.

"Awe no." Grian groaned, "Now we're both sick."

"You're the one who stayed." Mumbo said tiredly.

"Oh, eat your soup and shush."  Grian replied hastily, "I'm calling Doc."

<Grian>  Doooooooooooooooooooooc

<Docm77> What do you want gremlin

<Grian> I caught Mumbos' cold....

<Docm77> Are you serious

<Grian> Yup

<Docm77> I'm coming

<Grian> Yay big brother Doc coming to help the ill

<Docm77> I will not hesitate to kill you

<Grian> o.o

<Iskall85> Trouble in paradise?

<Xisuma> Doc, don't let them leave

<Docm77> I'm gonna tie him to the bed

<Grian> HEY

<Docm77> Don't make my life hard and I won't

<Grian> -.- We're at Mumbos' base

Grian went over to Mumbos' storage system and crafted up another bed.

"Look what you've done you spoon." Grian chuckled, "You've gotten us both ill."

"You'll be fine." Mumbo replied.

Doc arrived about five minutes later through the portal.

"There you are." Doc said walking over to the two, "Sit."

"What is it with everyone demanding me like an animal lately?" Grian said.

"Because you've been acting like one."


"I'm gonna be taking care of you for the next week so just don't do anything stupid."

"Stupid is my middle name though!"

"Yeah, you got stuck in a tree before. Anyways, rest. You'll be fine."

"Thanks, Doc." Grian chuckled.

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