The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side

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Warnings: Mentions of abuse, 

Relationship: GriDoc

Summary: I don't know how to summarize this one.


"Where do you think you're going, Gree-on?!" Sam shouted from behind, "You're place is here."

"No, it clearly isn't." Grian replied, summoning out his wings, "I'm leaving because you are way too overbearing. Besides, I've been asked to go to a different world, and there, I won't be hit, I won't be threatened to be killed, I won't be hurt. Because there, abuse doesn't exist and I am free to do as I please."


"Okay, let's see..." Grian put down his bag and held out his hand and started counting the things that he'd done, "Beating me with your belt, threatening to kill me for no reason, killing my pets, starving me, breaking my wing, oh and let's not forget the time where you broke my ankle to forbid me from leaving. So I'm done, done with it all. Done with your abuse, done with your insults, done with you. If you follow me through this portal, you will die in Limbo."

Sam grabbed Grian's wrist right before he was about to leave, "You can't leave! This is your home!"

Grian sighed, then pulsed his powers to bounce Sam off of him, "This was never my home."

He jumped through the portal, appearing in season six of Hermitcraft.


Doc appeared on the outside of the portal to season seven and waited for Grian. He took an abnormal amount of time out of time walking through, but when he did Grian dusted off his shirt.


Grian looked over at the call and smiled, "Hey."

"I was starting to worry that you weren't coming."

"Doc, I'm not some blushing idiot to portal travel."

Doc walked up and put an arm around him, "Yeah, but sometimes people can get lost portalling to the new world. I guess I was just worried that I wouldn't see you again."

"Awe, little Doccy was worried about me going missing in Limbo." Grian taunted, "C'mon softy, let's go settle down somewhere. I know I'm settling down in the jungle."

Doc chuckled and messed up Grian's hair, "Yeah, alright kid."

A few weeks later

Grian and Doc were chilling in Grian's bedroom when Grian heard a loud crash. He sat up quickly, "Stay here."

Grian jumped out of bed, his hands lit with purple flames. He listened down the stairs and heard his bird squawking like Mossy. He quickly turned back to Doc, "Don't. Move."

He slowly walked down the stairs. With his enhanced senses, he saw a different human down on the ground floor, long ears, white hood. Grian groaned and immediately put the person in a cage.

"What are you doing here?" Grian asked immediately, his arm extended outwards, fingers bent in a claw like thing, "This is a private world."

"Gree-on! You're alive!" The person shouted, Grian rolled his eyes, "I can't believe you're alive!"

"If I roll my eyes any harder, they're going to get stuck in the back of my head." Grian groaned, then shouted, "Doc! We have a small issue."

Grian never heard footsteps so fast before, because the next thing he knew, Doc was at the bottom of the stairs, sword drawn.

"Who is this? What is he doing here?"

Grian sighed, "His name is Sam, he's the one I told you about in Season Six. I wanted you to see what the hell he is before I banish him to Limbo."

Doc hummed, "He's scrawny, how could you not hurt him."

"He starved me."

"Oh, right. Banish him to Limbo!"

Grian rolled his eyes and looked back to Sam, "You're not welcome here, and if you find your way back, you will be permanently killed. Enjoy your sentence."

In a snap, he closed his hand to a fist, the caged being disappearing, leaving a purple dusting behind. Grian sighed, waved away the dust and turned back to Doc, "Let's get back to the movie, yeah?"

"Are we just not going to talk about this?"

"Yup, we aren't talking about it. He's gone, so let's get back to the movie."

"Is that all we care about right now? The movie?"

"Yeah, c'mon."

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