End Busted

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"Aren't Grian and Scar supposed to be back this afternoon from End Busting?" Xisuma asked BDubs, Iskall, and Mumbo.

"Should be." BDubs chuckled, "Unless they fell into the void somehow."

"BDubs!" Iskall shouted, "They'll be back today."

"Besides, the worst that could happen is if you get Ender-Lung." Mumbo added, "Then again, that's still rare."

"We haven't had a single case of Ender-Lung since... What? Season 5 when Doc went End Busting alone?" Xisuma said.

"Wait, what's Ender-Lung?" BDubs asked, "I don't think I remember any of that."

"Ender-Lung is when you throw too many Ender Pearls and or now, with the new End update, eat too many Chorus Fruit as well." Xisuma explained, "It's easily treatable, primarily with healing potions and rest."

As a portal from the End opened near the barge, the four hermits ran over as two of their hermits fell slightly on top of one another, both slightly coughing.

The small red shirted hermit chuckled and elbowed Scar.

"Good End Bust man." Scar chuckled, sitting up, Grian followed.

Grian chuckled as he coughed. But when he did, small bits of Ender Pearl dust appeared. Xisuma noticed this in both the hermits.

"Do you think they know we're here?" BDubs chuckled.

Xisuma rolled his eyes and kneeled beside Grian and Scar.

"Are you two feeling okay?" He asked, Grian and Scar looking over at them.

"We're alright.." Grian said then coughed, "Maybe not."

X cocked an eyebrow and looked closer at Grian.

"Mumbo, call over the medical team. I think we have two cases of Ender Lung." Xisuma said, then helped Grian and Scar to their feet and Iskall, BDubs and Mumbo helped them to the nearest Hermit base through the Nether.


The hermits brought them to Iskall's base and let the two lay in beds as X looked over Grian. 

"Yeah.." Xisuma droned, "G's got Ender-Lung."

"Same with Scar." Doc chuckled, "I'll grab some healing potions. Let them sleep. I'll be back in five."

By the time Doc had left to grab potions, Grian was already asleep on his side with the blankets pulled up to his chin, every once in a while a small cough from him.

"Scar, how many pearls did Grian throw?" Xisuma asked, "His case looks a bit heavy."

"I wanna say he threw about three stacks of pearls because he didn't know where he was in the voided sky." Scar chuckled, "He's a bit of a mess."

"A bit?" BDubs chuckled, Xisuma smacking him over the head, "Ow."

"You'll live." Xisuma chuckled, "All we gotta do is wait for Doc to come back and drop off the potions. You guys will be fine, you just can't drink the entire potion at once. Your body won't process it all."

"You got it X." Scar chuckled.

The few hermits waited for Doc, and when he did come back, Doc tossed a potion at Xisuma.

X then sat it on the ground and gently shook Grian awake.

"Grian. Wake up a second." Xisuma slightly whispered. Grian groaned softly as he woke up.

"What...?" He said tiredly, his head had slight ender dust flickering around it.

"Hey, bud. I need you to drink a third of this healing potion." 

"Sure.." Grian said and drank the small bit of potion.

"Alright, go and sleep. You should be fine in a week."

"Don't have to tell me twice." Grian chuckled tiredly, then fell almost immediately back to sleep.

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