Good Times With Scam

530 30 19

Warnings: None

Relationship: Grian/ZIT


<Xisuma> Guys watch out, Scar's scamming people again.


<Xisuma> Well now you know.

Grian, Zedaph, and Tango were all in the main room of Tango's house atop the mountains. Grian laying against Tango, his legs over Zed's, Tango was messing with Grian's hair, Zed was reading.

Grian chuckled as he looked through the  chat logs breaking the silence, "Sounds like Impulse got scammed over. I wonder what he got scammed with."

"SCAR SCAMMED ME WITH BONE BLOCKS INSTEAD OF QUARTZ." Impulse shouted walking through Tango's Nether portal, "Freaking Scar, I swear. He disappeared before I could get revenge."

Grian and Tango laughed, "You have villagers for quartz. Why'd you ask Scar for some?"

"Because he said he had them and was willing to give them away for free."

"You were asking for a scam." Tango chuckled, "Never trust Scar."

"OH! Yo, new name." Grian interrupted, "Good Times With Scam."

Impulse smacked Grian over the head, "You try getting scammed with bones instead of quartz."

"Hey I don't ever build with quartz unless I really need too. It's a difficult block."

Knocks on the door were heard then Scar walked in, "Hello house of ZITs!"

"Welcome, Good Times With Scam." Grian chuckled, "What do you want? My ego?"

"Erm, no actually. Your wings."

Grian gave him a 'bitch please' look, "The only way you're getting my wings is over my dead body, Mr. Scam."

"Oh come on G! It's not Scam, it's Scar!"

"Then don't scam people otherwise you'll get a nickname like Mumbo's. But you've already done that Scam."


"It's Scam until you stop scamming people." Grian cleared his throat, "But you may want to speak your peace before Impulse kills you. We don't control him."

"Scar and I gonna fight if he don't leave." Impulse groaned walking away, "Otherwise I'm planning revenge."

"So salty." Tango chuckled, pulling Grian closer to his chest, Grian made himself more comfortable against him, "Just go to the end and raid a boat and get elytra wings."

"The end is scary! It is not Scam- SCAR safe!"

"Well you don't want to overstay your welcome. All it takes is one button and you're dead from lava. Courtesy of Impulse. He has a death button that he is not afraid to touch." Tango informed, "This'll be like Third Life all over again. We will start a war."

"Third Life Ren scares me, so let's not." Grian chuckled, "He went mad with power!"

"He really did."

Grian looked at Scar with a glare, "Traitor."

"Okay, okay, okay. Let's propose a deal..." Scar said, "A stack of diamonds for the wings."

"Dude, I'm rich. I don't need diamonds. I'm literally the boy's sugar daddy. Make it a stack of Netherite and maybe I'll consider it."

"Seriously!? C'mon G!"

"Impulse!" Grian and Tango shouted, "Have at him."


Within seconds, Scar was in a pit and burned to death.


<Xisuma> Who let Impulse off his leash?

<Grian> Tango.

<Tango> Grian.

<Zedaph> The two biggest trolls in our group.

<Grian> I'm not a troll.

<Tango> Yeah!

<Zedaph> You two certainly look like one.

<Grian> :0 Mate!

<Tango> I know Grian is but I'm cuter.

Grian flicked Tango in the head, "Ow! Dude!"

"That's for agreeing with Zed that I'm a troll." Grian then kicked Zed's book out of his hands, "That's for calling me a troll."

"Oh suck it up, Grian. You know what you are." Zedaph teased, "Besides, you always get revenge one way or another."

"You got that right."

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