Evil (2)

738 26 6

Warnings: Blood, Mild Swearing


When Grian woke up, 

He sat up with a groan.

"My head... Ow, X?"

"Hey, man. You okay?" Xisuma asked seeing his blooding wrists.

"I'll live, I'm sure." Grian said, "But I've lived better days."

"Where even are we?"

Grian looked around and saw the mossy cobble and the trapdoor with a bubble-vator.

"Prison." Grian simply said, "This is where BDubs manipulated all the Resistance's Ender Pearls."

With a moment of silence, Grian spoke, "I can get us out of here, I just need..."

His inventory was empty.

"Oh no... He took out my entire inventory. Well. looks like I'm not getting us out of here. And with two layers of Obsidian, you can't portal us out of here."

"Well, we're just in a large pit of doom."

"When'd you turn into Iskall?" Grian chuckled, then a window opened.

"Good morning convicts."

The two sat to where they could see Cub's face.

"Screw off, Cub." Xisuma growled.

"Well I was thinking of releasing you, but now I won't. Enjoy your life sentence to death."

He left without another word.

"Great job X."

"Oh shut up and give me your wrists."

"You can't heal me man. That'll put me unconscious. Watchers healing other Watchers while they've lost this much blood, will either kill them or render them unconscious. You know this."

"For the love of.. Grian, we need to get out of here."

"YOU DON'T SAY! How are we gonna get out X? We have no tools, I have no way of accessing my powers without a healing potion, and we can't signal for help because Cub took our phones!"

There were footsteps, then blocks being broken.

"Hello, Brian, Shishwammy."

"Keralis!" The two almost shouted with a smile.

"Shush! If Cub finds out I'm down here, he'll kill me." Keralis threw Grian a potion, "Pour that on your wrists. I'll leave the hole, there's an ender chest out here so you can get access to your tools again."

"Thank you Keralis." The two said, "We'll be up on the town hall roof momentarily."

He left, doing as he said he would.

"Y'know, we wouldn't be in this mess if you had just wiped his Vex powers." Grian said pouring the potion against his wrists. The potion did its job and healed the cuts.

"I don't need the sass Mr. Know-It-All."

"You already deal with a chaotic gremlin as your boyfriend. You're getting the sass whether you like it or not."

"Shut up and get through the hole."

Grian snorted at the comment as he stood.

"You're the worst."



He flew through the hole and clipped his wing, falling on his back.

"Ow, wing." He groaned, then ran to the ender chest and got out some of his better gear and broke Xisuma out, "Let's move."

They were soon situated on the roof, where they met up with Keralis.

"Hey, please tell me you two have a plan."

"Nope." Xisuma said.

"Actually..." Grian started, "Keralis, go to Cub and tell him you were just giving us food and I said he could be ruling with a better iron fist. He seems a little weak."

"Are you looking for a death sentence?"

"Have some faith man, just trust me."

Keralis went down, Grian and Xisuma eavesdropping on the conversation.

"Master Cub, I was just down in the dungeons feeding the prisoners. The red shirted one feels you are too weak to be ruling with the iron fist that you are."

"Oh, that's cute. He thinks he's funny."

Grian jumped down, Xisuma following behind.

"Actually!" Grian shouted walking in front of Keralis, "I think I'm hilarious."

"You. Little. Shit."

Grian took a bow, his left arm extending behind him, "At your service." When he went back up, his eyes were purple and he had a smile on his face, "I actually believe that you could be a better ruler with me by your side."

The hermits gasped, Grian used his powers to send a mind message to them except for Cub.

It's okay. I'm manipulating. I'm good at that. I get on everyone's last nerve.

Grian walked to the throne, putting one step on a single block, "You see, with my Watcher power and your Vex power, we'll be unstoppable."

He continued to climb until he was two blocks away from Cub.

"Y'know how you always say I get on the last nerve of your brain and you would rather me not touch it?" Grian said with a smile, "I'm touching it."

He threw a bolt of purple lightning at the two things on his shoulder, freeing their souls so they'd go back to normal.

Grian made quick move of putting Cub into a choke hold, "SCAR! NOW!"

His world went black.

As his consciousness was coming back to him he could hear voices.

"Are you sure he's going to be okay? Watcher and Vex powers don't mix well."

"It's Grian, he's handled worse. I'm sure he'll be fine."

"And Cub?"

"Even that I'm not sure of. Tango was the literal demon on his shoulder, so I don't know how to fix that mentality."

"Mmg... Ow.." Grian groaned, "My head is killing me."

"Grian, hey." Xisuma said putting a hand on his chest, "You feeling okay?"

"Headache, but I'm sure I'll be fine." Grian tried to move but winced, "Ow.. I am sore."

"You're going to be. Cub's alive and basically still sleeping."

Xisuma patted Grian's chest twice, "Alright, get some rest. I'll come check on you in the morning."

Grian chuckled and let his head roll to the side as he went back to sleep.

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