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Warnings: Blood, Injury, Kidnapping, Attempted Murder

Relationship: Grian/Etho

Grian - Fire Captain


"We should do this before Cap gets here."

"Do what?" Grian asked, walking into the garage, "You guys are acting weird today."

"Nothing Cap, we're just going through the checklist."

"Lies! What're you people going on about, Ren?"

"We were just wanting to get things done while we have no calls." Ren defended, "We wanted to save you some time from paperwork."

"More like, for paperwork." Grian chuckled, "That's all I ever do here with my free time."

"You poor thing."

"Uh huh. I'll be up in my office if you need me. Do me a favour and don't need me."

"Whatever, Cap."

"Hey, tell me." Grian said stopping in front of the staircase, "Did cookies come?"



Two minutes later...


Ren looked at the rest of the crew, "Which one of you didn't save a cookie for Cap?"

Grian looked over the edge, "Yo, save a cookie for me next time you fools!"

The team started laughing and looked up at him.

"Gee thanks guys. You make me look completely sane."

At that moment the first call of the day went off and Grian timed the team just for fun.

Call after call went on. Grian's team had just gotten back from a call and another one immediately came in.

What the team didn't know was that someone was planning all these calls. Call after call, emergency after emergency. They had no break, no meals, by the time Grian got home it was 10PM, everyone else decided to stay in the firehouse to try and sleep.

"You're home late." Etho said when Grian walked in, "Long day?"

"Don't even get me started." Grian groaned plopping himself on the couch, "Please tell me you've made food."

"Yeah, let me get you some."

The moment Etho handed him a plate, Grian's pager went off, "No..." He groaned, "You can't be serious. I gotta go, there's a fire that only the 126 can take because we're the closest. I don't think I'll be sleeping at home tonight."

"You go save the world."

"Certainly feels that way."

The moment he got outside, the 126 fire rig was outside and he jumped in, "Where are we headed?"

By 8AM, the 126 was just getting back. Each member got out of the trucks with pure exhaustion.

"We can't keep doing this Cap! Everything's in our side of the city!"

"I know..." Grian said tiredly, "Just get whatever sleep you can while we have time."

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