Scared Scar

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Request from  on my discord server.

Scar came home from terraforming an island and went to climb into Larry the snail only to find not one but two creepers in his snail, they started lighting but Scar flew away quickly and the creepers stopped. He sighed as he pulled out his trident, realizing it was a trident that summons lightning and put it away before pulling out his server comms.

<GTWScar> Guysssssssss

<Grian> Yes?

<Mumbo> Sup?

<GTWScar> There are two creepers in my snail and I can't get them out

<Iskall85> That is a VERY odd sentence

<Grian> Lol

<Mumbo> Ha

<GTWScar> I'm being serious though :(

<Grian> Where are you?

<Mumbo> In the nether atm

<Iskall85> Deserts

<Grian> not you two, Scar

<GTWScar> Snail

<Grian> I'm coming, G-Man gotchu

<GTWScar> You aren't going to blow me up again are you

<Grian> ...

<Grian> I am not responsible for any player casualties that may occur while taking care of these creepers

<Mumbo> Read the fine print

<GTWScar> just come kill the creepers please :(

<Grian> I'm coming, I'm coming

<Iskall85> That's what she said

<Grian> ISKALL!

<Mumbo> Dude


Grian quickly made his way over to the snail where Larry stood and scared Scar.

"Boo." Grian said playfully. 

Scar jumped out of his skin before realizing it was just Grian, "Oh, hey."

"I can' tell what's more scary." Grian teased, "Me or the creepers. Where are they anyways? I didn't see them in the snail when I was flying over."

"They were in there last I saw." Scar said raising an eyebrow.

Grian walked up the ladder and saw one creeper huddled in the corner. He shot the trident he had at at and it died instantly. 

Where's the other one.


Grian quickly turned around and killed the creeper behind him after jumping out of his skin. He climbed out of the snail pretty quickly.

"They're gone." Grian said, "Light up your things dude."

"Thank you G-Man." Scar chuckled, "How may I reward your heroism?"

"Just in a days work as the hero of this server." Grian said, "No payment required my good friend!"

"Truly are the hero we never asked for." Scar said.

"Yeah." Grian chuckled, "Bye Scar!"

"Bye, G."

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