Sad Cod Boy

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Grian wasn't always happy. Depression from when he was with the Watchers grew harder to deal with as time passed.

One morning he woke up with his watcher wings fluttering calmly against his back, his eyes glowing purple, it scared him.

He started hyperventilating, he ran outside and looked in the water.

"I can't do this again... No.. No, no, no.." He mumbled, running back inside his hobbit hole and immediately finding a sharp prismarine shard. He knew he shouldn't, but he didn't know who to turn to when these things happen. He tried pulling himself together and he threw the shard on the ground.

"Stop.." Grian mumbled, "Get out of my head... I don't want to go back.. Stop please."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Scar woke up the same morning and sighed. He didn't care for where his bed lay, or how bad his chest monster was.

He walked outside, gliding over to his magical village where he continued to work for the day.

After an hour he ran out of wood and decided to fly over to Grian's hobbit hole to see if he could use some wood.

A few minutes of flying he finally reached the hobbit hole that belonged to Grian.

"Grian?" He called, walking inside, "Grian? You here?"

He got no response, after a second of thinking he started walking around silently and suddenly started hearing faint crying and mumbling and ran straight to the sound.

"Grian?" He called out, "Grian, are you okay?"

"Go away. Don't hurt me." Scar heard Grian scream, quickly running to where he heard him yell he turned the corner and saw Grian with blood dripping down his arms and onto the floor. Scar quickly eyed the prismarine shard that was sitting beside Grian and kicked it away.

"Hey, Grian, it's okay." Scar said calmly, "Breathe, I'm here."

"I-I can't!" He cried.

Scar carefully touched Grians' shoulders and whispered;

"It's okay, you can. Just take a breath for four seconds..."

Grian did so,

"Good, now hold it for seven."

Again Grian complied,

"You're doing great, now breathe out slowly.."

Grian let out his shaking breath and looked at Scar with tear filled eyes.

"See, you're okay... You're okay now." Scar comforted, "I'm here. Let's talk."

"O-Okay.." Grian mumbled as Scar wiped his tears away.

"C'mon. Let's get you cleaned up and bandage your arms." Scar said helping Grian up and walking him to the main hall of his hobbit hole and the two sat against the chests as Scar helped Grian.

"What happened?" Scar asked, Grian took a shaky breath before speaking;

"Watcher features..." He mumbled, Scar took a closer look at Grian and his 'new' features, two sets of wings, purple glowing eyes, slight purple aura around his body and purple eyes circling around his wrist, he questioned how he didn't notice that when he first walked in.

"You're okay, they can't hurt you." Scar said, "Tell me something you can feel, physically."

"Th-The floor.." Grian replied as Scar finished wrapping his arm, "Than-Thank you.."

"No problem." Scar said, opening his server comms, "Is there someone you want me to call?"

Grian thought for a moment, "Uh.. X... and Mumbo?"


<GTWScar> Mumbo, X can you come to Grians' hobbit hole?

<Mumbo> Sure, is everything okay? I'm on my way

<Xisuma> Is something wrong, on my way over now

<GTWScar> I'll explain when you get here.

Putting away his server comms, he sat himself next to Grian, and the smaller hermit let his head rest on his shoulder.

"Thank you, Scar." Grian said softly, letting his eyelids shut momentarily.

A few minutes later, Mumbo and Xisuma both walked into the hobbit home.

"Scar?" The two called.

"Hey." Scar said, the two walking over when they saw Grian leaning against him.

"Is everything okay?" Xisuma asked kneeling beside Grian, soon eyeing the bandages around both his arms, "What happened?"

"He had a panic attack, from what I'm assuming and started cutting." Scar replied, slightly shaking Grian.

"Mmm.." Grian groaned, slowly sitting up, "Hi.."

"You feeling okay?" Mumbo asked, Grian nodded his head and stuck out his hand for Mumbo to take, which he did.

"Why didn't you call us?" Xisuma asked, then noticed the state of the smaller hermit, "Never mind. I know why. Talk to us next time, okay?"

"Okay." Grian mumbled.

"Watchers can't hurt you anymore." Xisuma said, "How about we take you to a bed so you can sleep the day away and be safe."

Grian smiled at the gesture, "That'd be nice.."

"Come on then." Xisuma said as he and Mumbo pulled him to his feet, Scar following the three, letting Grian lay in the bed.

"We'll be here when you wake up, Grian." Mumbo and Scar assured, "We'll make sure you'll be okay."

And with that the small hermit went to sleep, calming his nerves and going back to normal.

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