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Note: Anatidaephobia – Fear of Being Watched by A Duck

Summary: Scar is scared of being watched by a duck, Ren comes to his rescue.

Warnings: Probably just anxiety in this one and paranoia


Having a weird fear is difficult. Though for Scar, things were more on the odd side of the fear spectrum.

He was scared of being watched by a duck. 

Why a duck? Why not a duck? They have beady eyes that just stare you down, lifelessly as they judge your whole soul bit by bit. 

Has the author run out of ideas for this book? Yes, but the ducks are something that we can all relate to as humans.

After the Hermitwars, Scar met up with Ren and chatted about some weird things they've seen over the server.

"Okay, but Ren, have you ever feared of being watched by a duck?"

"Why a duck dude? Why is this the thing that's on your mind?"

"They just stare at you with their beady little eyes. Dark and soulless as they may be! It's freaky. Just imagine a duck just stalking you off in the distance."

"As creepy as that would be, are you afraid of being watched by a duck?"

"They could be everywhere! They could be stalking us right now!"

"Okay, take a breather my dude. Ducks can't hurt you. They're innocent."

"Innocent until proven guilty, Ren. I'm gonna show those ducks who's boss!"

"Scar, you've gone insane."

"Can't go there if I'm already there."

Ren's ears folded on top of his head as he grabbed Scars' arm and dragged him across the district.

"Scar, we don't have ducks in Hermitcraft. We have parrots and dolphins."

"Dolphins don't fly."

"That's not my point dude. The ducks can't hurt you. They're precious."


Ren was baffled, "At this rate I can't tell if you scared of being watched by them, or if you're just mad at them."

"Ren, they're everywhere."

"Scar, take a breath." Ren said putting his hands on Scars' shoulders, "It's safe, they're not here. You don't have to worry about a duck watching you."

"Right... Okay."

Ren and Scar went their separate ways for the day.

It was only at sundown when Ren got a message.

<GTWScar> Ren, there's a duck in my snail.

<Renthedog> What?



<GTWScar> IN.


<Renthedog> You've gone crazy.

<GTWScar> It's staring at me with it's beady little eyes.

<Renthedog> Alright, take a breath, I'm coming.

Ren arrived not three minutes later due to living near by.



Ren cocked an eyebrow as he climbed the snails' ladder.

"Where's the duck?"

"What're you talking about? It's on the ceiling!"

Ren looked up and jumped out of his skin.

"Oh geez! That's some freaky shenanigans right there. Now I see why you're scared of being watched by a duck. But it's not like there's one floating out in the middle of the ocean like in Toronto."

"Don't even get me started on Toronto. Get rid of the duck please, Ren? Be a nice wolf-man hybrid thing and get rid of it?"

Ren glanced at Scar with a 'are you kidding me look', but then used some scaffolding to get up to the magical ducks' level and grabbed it.

The duck however wanted none of it and bit Ren.

"I am not in the mood for a Rabies shot. Die spawn of Satan." Ren growled killing the being only to see items pop out of it, "Uh..."


Grian was slain by Renthedog

"Oh. Dang it Grian!" Ren shouted with a chuckle.

<Xisuma> O.o


<Ren> Sometimes I forget you're part Watcher.

<Ren> Also Scar's afraid of being watched by a duck you spawn of Satan

<Grian> I am not the 'Spawn of Satan' I AM SATAN

<Grian> Also, sorry Scar. :( <3

<GTWScar> My revenge will be cold.

<Ren> Would you like your stuff back, Grian?

<Grian> Please... I'm in my mansion.

<GTWScar> Serves you right for not only eavesdropping but also scaring the life out of me.

<Grian> Oops.

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