
636 21 19

Warnings: Torture, Drugging

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma (Brotherly), Grian/Etho


Etho walked into Grian's firehouse, immediately being greeted by the other firefighters.

"Hey guys, have you seen Grian?" Etho asked worry in his voice, "He didn't come home last night and he hasn't answered any of my texts or calls. I'm actually getting really worried."

"That's very unlike Grian." Ren said crossing his arms, "He always answers texts and calls."

"Is his phone still active?" Scar asked, "Maybe I can call in a favour to Xisuma."

"That's the problem, he was with X last night. When they weren't back I called him, I actually called both of them, but neither one of them answered."

"That's an immediate red flag."

At that moment, the chief of police pulled up and said the same thing about Xisuma. They all agreed to do a search, but the 132 went with Etho. When they got a call on a ping with Grian's phone, they went to the place immediately finding the phone on the ground.

"Grian's in trouble." Etho gasped, "What do we do?!"

"We do our job. We're going to find him." Ren assured, "We'll have Xisuma's units put out an APB on both of them. We'll find them one way or another."

"Attention 132, there is a full building fire at 645 South Atlantic. We need you responding."

"Look, Etho, we need to go. Go to the station with the Chief and talk things out. Good luck." Ren turned towards the team, "Dispatch this is acting Captain Ren Usoro, show 132 responding."


Grian woke up with his arms chained above his head, hung above the ground about a foot. As his vision focused, he grabbed the chains and groaned.

"Hello? Anyone here?"

"Grian? You're awake?"


"Yeah, hey are you okay?"

"Peachy. Only hanging about a foot off the ground."

"Now is not the time for smart ass comments."

Grian sent out a lighthearted chuckle, "Get a joke man."

Xisuma groaned then the door opened.

"So I see our little friends have awaken." The captor walked up to Grian's cell, "Let's get back to where we left off. Shall we?"

"Touch me and there will be hell to pay." Grian growled, the cell door opened, "Sam, leave me alone."

"Not gonna happen love."

"I'm not your love, and I never will be. So go drop dead in a hole seven feet under water."

"Still got that smart mouth I see."

"I got a lot of things. And one of them's gonna be your death if you touch me."

"We'll see about that. I want you to tell me how much the cops know about me and my work."

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