King (2)

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Warnings: (Just look at the first chapter...)


When Grian woke up, he groaned as he sat up.

"He's awake!"


"Stop shouting... My head is killing me." Grian said, then attempted to rub his head only to be faltered by the chains. He jerked at them then tried to use his powers to break them. The only thing that happened was small sparks, he tried a couple more times then groaned in frustration, "He neutralized my powers.."

"So how are we getting out of here?"

"Where exactly is here Impulse?" Grian snarked looking at his surroundings, but blinking and shaking his head as he did so, "Ugh, I can't focus my vision."

"How hard did you hit the wall, G?" Ren asked.

"Considering my eyes rolled to the back of my head when I fainted, I'd say pretty hard." Grian replied, "Also Xisuma and Scar hurt..."

"You might have a concussion."

"Might? Definitely feels like one."

The Mycelium resistance stayed quiet for the next, what felt like, hours until Grian felt his powers come back.

He broke the chains and proceeded to do the same with the others.

"So.. You're powers are back?"

"Yeah..." Grian replied looking around, using his powers to see through the first layer of blocks, "Obsidian on obsidian on obsidian... He really knows how to keep a Watcher away from him." He looked down, "But not well enough. He didn't obsidian the bottom of the chamber."

Grian sent over a portal to get them onto the next ground, and one by one they were all out and safe.

"Hang on, where are we?" Ren asked, "This isn't anywhere familiar."

Grian listened around, "Impulse do you hear that?"

"Chickens and pistons.."

"We're near Zedaphs base! C'mon, I know an easy way to get out." Grian said, as he ran down the hall, "There's an opening to his fish hatchery thing over here somewhere."

"How do you know this?"

"Secret base scouting."

When they all reached through the water, Grian led them all to the opening to Zed's brewery and up to the main room.

"Zedaph!" Impulse shouted, happiness in his voice.

"Impulse, Mycelium Resistance, where have you people been?" Zed asked giving Impulse a quick hug, "Grian, you're a mess. You guys have been missing for two days."

"Two days is long enough for Scar to destroy the entire world." Grian said sternly, "I need to get to my mansion without him noticing. Does he have people in the nether?"


"Good. Then let's move."

"But he does have people IN your mansion."

"Seriously?!" Grian groaned, "I just need my spell book, and you're telling me that he has people in my mansion."

"What's in your spell book?"

"A purification spell. It'll wipe his brain to go back to normal. It's what I did the first time when he went insane." Grian explained, "If I hit Xisuma with it it won't knock him out, but it'll bring him back to reality. Hitting the other HEP members, it'll knock them out."

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