Magic Torture

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Warnings: Blood, violence, torture mentioned, self care, alcohol

Relationship Intended: Grian/Ren


Grian and Ren weren't at the greatest spot in the moment. The two were captured by Watchers and were forced to give answers about the Hermitcraft server. Lucky for them, but unlucky for Grian, they only tortured him for answers. The biggest thing Grian had going for himself was that he was an excellent liar when he needed to be.

The two hermits were sat back to back restrained in chairs, both in chains. Grian was struggling against the restraints when he got an idea.

"Ren, you have claws right?"

"I'm a werewolf, dude. Of coarse I have claws."

"I need you to pick the lock on my cuffs."

"I don't know how to pick locks!"

"Ren, shut up and do it. I'll guide you through the process. We gotta do this before the Watchers come back."

As Grian guided Ren through the process of lock picking, Grian could hear the lock unlocking. Soon after it was unlocked and Grian shot up taking the chains off himself then proceeding to do the same to Ren.

"What have we told you about escaping, Xelqua?"

"Name's Grian, not Xelqua. Get it right you large pile of darkness." Grian shouted, then turned to Ren and whispered, "You trust me right?"

"Of coarse I do." Ren scoffed, "What're yo-AH~"

Grian grabbed him by the shoulders and flew over the large Watcher.

The Watcher in retaliation of Grian escaping, shot it's magic at him. It managed to graze Grians' side and drop Ren as the two quickly plummeted to the ground.

"Ren, are you okay??" Grian asked as he pulled him to his feet, "Can you run?"

"Yeah, and yeah I can."

"Good... Run!"

He grabbed Ren by the wrist wincing at every other step trying not to show it.

While they were running down a long purple hall, being chased by a dozen winged Watchers, Grian pulled Ren behind a corner then saw the medical station first door on the right, and pulled the two in there, letting the Watchers pass before doing anything else.

"Grian, what're we going to do!? This-"

"Shut up, Ren." Grian interrupted, "Watcher kind is dying. And with me being a Watcher omega, they will make damn sure that they repopulate by using me. And that will kill me. Look, what I need to do is get you out of here alive."

"Uh... Grian?"


"There's a Watcher in here."

Grian quickly turned around and nearly attacked, "Mum. I thought they killed you."

"They tried, but they took me back. What can I do you for convict?"

"Not a convict. Just a victim of a bad circumstance." Grian said running over to the cabinet and grabbing a bottle of Vodka and setting it on the table before grabbing more supplies.

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