Wings of a Feather

803 32 13

Warnings: Graphic depictions of assault, HEAVILY IMPLIED RAPE, Grian bites, sex trafficking, heavy swearing, this is a very violent thing

Relationship: Grian/Ren (Fatherly Relatinship)

Summary: Grian's born into a sex trafficking ring led by his father.

Things: Real World feeling, cars exist and Hermitcraft is basically just a different city.


"Wings, up."

The young child known as 'Wings' looked up and stood, his chains rattling as he lost his balance and fell against the wall.

"Room one."

His chains were released from his ankles and wrists with a loud echo. He was escorted to room one of the compound.

Wings is a tiny angel, snow white feathers with a hint of purple, glowing blue eyes. But he was covered in cuts and bruises from the previous. Wings didn't know the name he was given because he was born into the ring. He was told his mother died shortly after his birth, Wings is only a nine year old angel.

When he was brought into the room, he looked at the person on the bed and his eyes widened in fright.

"I'll give you a discount if you can make him like it."

"Please, I don't want to do this." Wings cried, ""Please, don't make me do this."

"Just get on the bed and follow orders. Got it?"

The door slammed shut behind him and he jumped. The person on the bed stood and walked slowly to him then gently grabbed his hand.

"Don't worry, little boy. I'll be gentle with you."

Wings ripped his wrist from the person's grip and backed up to the wall.

"Stop being difficult, angel boy."

"Please don't touch me."

The man grabbed his wrist more violently this time then threw him on the bed. The small boy was soon pinned down to the mattress, the taller and much more stronger man's hands fell on a spot on his wing and he gasped.

"Ha, I found one. Now be a good boy and play nice."

The man on top of him pushed harder on that one spot, causing the young boy to cry out, a scream of pain. Something every person of his kind had, were 'pleasure points'. He tried hard to fight against the person on top of him, but with him being so small, he couldn't do much.

He was forced to let the man do with him, no matter how hard he thrashed against him.

At one point he started whining and the taller man put his hand across his mouth, and Grian bit him hard enough to draw blood.


He hit Grian with the same hand he bit then forced him to look him in the eye as he continued hitting him. He quickly stopped fighting then in a moments time he was sputtering sobs and was being dragged back to his cell.

When he was thrown in, his captor put the chains back on and Grian cowered in the corner farthest away from the door and continued crying. It was only an hour later when someone walked up to his cell door and opened it as loud as they possibly could.

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