
1K 38 12

Warnings: Death, Injury, Blood, Pranks Gone Wrong

Summary: Someone rigs Grian's base to explode with him inside.


It has been a stressful day for Grian.

He's been out all day gathering materials to stock the barge, again.

He hadn't slept for the past two days.

He's made four PB deliveries.

Now he'd just walked into his mansion while rubbing a towel on his head after taking a shower to get all the sand and gravel out of his hair.

"I'm gonna be finding sand and gravel particles in my hair for the next five days." He groaned to himself, for a moment he thought he heard a pressure plate go off, but he thought nothing of it at least until he heard the sizzle of TNT, "What-"

Grian blew up

<Renthedog> o.0

<Impulse> ?

<Renthedog> You okay, G?

There wasn't a response for a decent amount of time.

<Renthedog> Grian?

<Docm77> Is he okay?

<Xisuma> Grian?

<Impulse> Does someone know where he died?

<MumboJumbo> Why isn't he responding?

Truth is, Grian couldn't respond. His respawn didn't work properly.

So he was laying in his bead blood coming off of his arms and face from the shrapnel.

Any movement he did hurt.

Every breath hurt.

Every vibration of a message in the chat on his wrist hurt.

He needed to call for help. But he couldn't move.

<Iskall85> Why hasn't he responded?

<Tango> Has he respawned?

<Xisuma> By the looks of it, yes.

<MumboJumbo> Then why hasn't he responded?

<Tango> His communicator must be blowing up. He has to notice.

<Xisuma> Does anyone know where his bed is?

<Xisuma> Never mind, I got his coordinates finally.

<GTWScar> Where is he?

<Xisuma> His mansion. If anyone is near it, can you look for him?

<GTWScar> I'm actually right outside his door.

Scar flew in, minding the large crater that was now in the middle of the floor.

"What happened in here?" He asked himself, "Where's.."

When he looked to his left, he saw Grian, "Oh void. Grian!"

He ran to him, "G? Grian? can you hear me?"

Only a small finger movement from him and raspy breaths.

"Okay... Okay, don't move." As he went to a nearby enderchest, he grabbed sedatives and opened the chat.

<GTWScar> His respawn didn't work!

<GTWScar> I need people here NOW.

<GTWScar> Bring blood bags, an IV and Oxygen. I have sedatives.

<Cubfan135> On my way now.

<Docm77> Got it. On my way.

Scar turned his attention to the small hermit.

"Don't worry Grian, you'll be okay. We'll get you fixed up and you'll be okay." Scar grabbed the stronger of the sedatives, "Small prick."

Once the sedative was in, it didn't take long to fall asleep. Scar began cleaning the still open wounds. Doc and Cub ran in less than a minute later.

"Get the IV into the side of his neck, blood bag into the crease of his elbow. Now."

The other two responded immediately, Scar grabbed a small item to dig out some leftover debris that was in the wounds.

"Do we know what happened to him?" Doc asked.

"By the looks of it, TNT prank gone wrong."

As they continued working on him, Scar finally deemed him stable enough to move to the nearest medical ward and they did the rest of the work there.

When Grian woke up after about four days, he noticed his pain died down quite a bit.

"Grian! You scared me." Xisuma said turning to his bedside, "How're you feeling?"

"Like my body went through four rounds of TNT blasts."

"Okay... uh, Scar put you into a medical coma temporarily for a few days. You've been our of it for four days."

Grian attempted to sit up, the sheets rustling with it, "What happened?"

"I was hoping you could tell me."

"Last thing I remember is the sizzle."

"Okay... So basically someone pranked or trolled you?"

"I guess so? I mean, your guess is as good as mine, X."

When Grian yawned Xisuma looked towards him once more and whispered, "I'm gonna let you rest, I'll let the hermits know you're okay."

<Xisuma> Grian just woke up. He's okay.

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