When Your Crystal Matches Your Heart

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Warnings: Watchers... Just Watchers.

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma

Summary: Basically Grian and Xisuma are Watcher brothers, Grian was taken in by Xisuma's parents when he was left on their doorstep as an infant. The two were given matching cosmic crystals. Also Grian sings duet with Xisuma BECAUSE WHY NOT. (Will be explained in the story. Enjoy.)


Grian knew very well that the crystals he and Xisuma wore not only shimmered when there was incoming danger, but they also shimmered when one of their family needed help. Though some of the hermits never understood that.

"The crystals can act as a portal." Xisuma explained, "They signal when someone in our family is in danger or if there is an incoming danger."

"So they're cosmic coloured because..." Iskall asked.

"Because Watchers act in the cosmos. Their main base is in the middle of the void where stars shine their brightest. For Grian though, it's a beacon of hope." Xisuma said grabbing the small chained necklace around his neck, "When Grian and I were growing up, he would always stare into the night sky when we were stationed in the main hub world. He always kept one hand on the crystal when he did."

"Well we all knew Grian is a stargazer."

"He gets mesmerized with the stars." Xisuma chuckled, "I remember one day were were sitting on the roof together, it was nearly midnight...."


Young Grian sat on top of the roof where the family stayed, staring into the sky, his mouth slightly agape, one hand on his crystal his thumb running over it vertically. The night was cold for him, but he didn't mind it. With his red jumper, the purple cloak, he was pretty much okay. His wings moved weightlessly as they folded and unfolded in small motions, it was almost unrecognizable.

Mostly after long days, much like this one, he would come up to relax and look into the stars, letting his thoughts leave his mind, leaving him calm and content.

"You know it's not nice to stare." Grian chuckled when he looked at Xisuma with a smile, "What're you doing up here?"

"I just woke up and didn't see you in bed, so I figured you'd be up here."

"Always am." Grian stared back to the sky, "Do you think they remember the son they abandoned?"

"Grian, I don't even know what to say about your biological parents." Xisuma said, his voice going to a whisper, "All I know is that they didn't deserve you."

Grian smiled as he looked back to the sky, "Y'know, I never thought I'd have the life that I do. Abandoned as an infant, growing up to be this strong weapon of death. It's almost funny how drastically things could've changed."

Xisuma sat beside him and chuckled softly, "Yeah, but you know something, G?"


Xisuma started singing, "You're the first face that I see, And the last thing I think about, You're the reason that I'm alive, You're what I can't live without, You're what I can't live without."

Grian looked at him with a smile, a smile that said, 'you're really singing our childhood song?'. 

Xisuma continued to the next verse, as he wrapped his arm around Grian's shoulder, "You never give up, When I'm falling apart, Your arms are always open wide, And you're quick to forgive, When I make a mistake, You love me in the blink of an eye."

The chorus is when Grian chimed in, taking the first line, "I don't deserve your love, but you give it to me anyway."

Xisuma took the next, "Can't get enough, You're everything I need."

"And when I walk away, You take off running and come right after me, It's what you do, And I don't deserve you."

When Grian stood up, Xisuma followed, then Grian portalled them to the highest spot to emphasize his next verse, "You're the light inside my eyes, Give me a reason to keep trying..." He took to his knees, encouraging Xisuma to follow by holding out his hand, "Give me more than I could dream, And you bring me to my knees, You bring me to my knees."

"Your heart is gold and how am I the one, That you've chosen to love? I still can't believe that you're right next to me, After all that I've done."

When the two paused for a moment, Xisuma pulled them both up into the sky, Xisuma's wings blowing light gusts of wind beside Grian,

"I don't deserve your love, But you give it to me anyway, Can't get enough, You're everything I needAnd when I walk away, You take off running and come right after me. It's what you do, And I don't deserve you."

"I don't deserve a chance like this, I don't deserve a love that gives me everything, You're everything I want."

"I don't deserve Your love, But You give it to me anyway, Can't get enough, You're everything I need, And when I walk away, You take off running and come right after me, It's what You do, And I don't deserve You..."

Grian opened a portal back to their home, the two landing softly on the roof, sitting upon their knees, 

"And I don't deserve You."

A quiet brief moment sounded between the two before Xisuma lightly lifted Grian's chin, forcing him to look at him as he whispered, "You might not feel like you deserve to be with us, but you're more of a Void than you think you are."

The two's crystals shimmered in the moonlight, showing the glimmer of the stars.

Grian looked down to the crystal, "We should probably get some sleep."


"It was only after that night when Grian was taken." Xisuma said as a whisper, "He was tortured by the high counsel for liking things that were, in their eyes, weak and human. They thought they were making him stronger."

"And what did they do?" Mumbo asked, "It doesn't sound happy."

"They broke him, mentally. They made sure that he wouldn't remember what or who he loved. The crystal only became a large part of his memory when I found him injured in the battlefield. He had a sword through his chest, he was lucky to have survived."

"How did he survive?"

"When the sword was removed, they made sure whatever internal bleeding he had was taken care of. But these crystals can heal, as well as tell danger. He's a warrior, but he quickly remembered who I was after the attack."

That's when Grian shouted over to them, "When push comes to shove, shove them hard!"

Xisuma smirked as he looked towards the gremlin walking out of the barge.

"Y'know, you guys aren't that sneaky." Grian chuckled, "If you're gonna talk about our past, make sure I'm not in hearing range. Because with my senses enhanced by my powers, I could hear you guys from the barge."

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