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TW: Kinda panic attack (idk if this counts but putting it just in case)

Ship: Basically Scarrian

Grian was in his base shaking, rocking back and forth against a wall of his mansion.

"It's just not good enough yet... I have to keep working... I can't fail... It has to meet expectations.." Grian mumbled to himself, "It's not good enough, I'm not good enough... Not yet.. I have to keep working..." 

Only a handful of hermits knew about Grians' issues to say the least. It had been relatively quiet on the server when it started striking some hermits.

<Mumbo> Has anyone seen Grian?

<Iskall85> Now that you mention it, I don't think I have

<Xisuma> Is anyone near Grians' base? Any of them?

<GTWScar> I'm near his mansion, I can check there

<Xisuma> Okay, let us know what you find.

Scar immediately flew up to Grians' mansion doorway and walked through gawking at the magnificent build.

"Wow... This is so cool." Scar said, "Where are you G-Man?"

He continued walking through until he heard shaking breaths and whispers. He walked straight to the small sound and saw it was coming from an obsidian box. Scar opened the box and immediately found Grian.

"Whoa! Grian." Scar said, "Hey, look at me."

"I can't fail..."

"Fail who?" Scar asked grabbing the shaking hermits hands.

"It has to be perfect.."

"Grian, hey I need you to look at me." Scar said using his left hand to guide Grian's face and eyes to meet his, "I need you to count with me."

"I need to-"

"I need you to count with me, okay?" Scar said trying to derail his thoughts. Atychiphobia was hard to help and hard to get a person out of. Scar knew that when Grian was younger, he was put to some of the highest standards so Grian was constantly trying to met standards he couldn't meet.




Grian gasped a little as he looked at Scar.

"Count with me. One.."




The two continued until Grian could talk to Scar clearly.


"You're okay." Scar said sitting next to him pulling out his server communicator, "You're okay."


"Do you want me to call someone?"

"..." Grian hesitated before leaning against Scar, "X, Mumbo, Iskall.. I want you as well."

"Okay, I'll make it happen."

<GTWScar> He's okay now, he had a bad attack, he wants his comfort people

<Mumbo> omw

<Iskall85> omw

<Xisuma> comin

<GTWScar> He locked himself in an obsidian box, I'm with him, don't make loud noises when you come.

<Xisuma> understood 

<Iskall85> ok

<Mumbo> didn't plan on it

When Scar looked back up from his communicator he noticed Grian had fallen asleep. He smiled and put an arm around him and let him be comfortable.

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