Snow Storm

653 33 13

Warnings: Injury

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma

Summary: Grian and Xisuma get separated from the hermits during a severe snow storm. Grian gets hurt in the process.

Request: mosspawz


"Grian, this storm is getting really bad..." Xisuma said, shouting over the loud winds, "We've already been separated from the others."

"Yeah, I'm sure I can fly in this." Grian said, wings at the ready, "How difficult can it be?"

"Grian, the winds are at 50 an hour, you'll get hurt."

"I'll be fine."

"Grian, you're a little too cocky."

"It's fine." Grian said, flying into the air, barely landing on the tree, "Okay.... Where are we?"

Grian distantly spotted the barge a few hundred blocks away.

"Suma! We're about a few hundred blocks from the barge, I think.." Grian shouted, then jumped down from the tree, "I can fly us over, come."

"Are you crazy!? Y'know what, don't answer that."

"We're going to freeze to death if I don't fly us over. If I can get above the clouds we'll be fine."

"Grian, you could get hurt!"

"Eh, it's fine."

"You're an idiot, I'm not letting you fl-"

"Too late." Grian grabbed Xisuma's shoulders and flew into the air.

"GRIAN PUT ME DOWN!" Xisuma shouted when he wind started getting worse, "GRIAN, LAND. NOW."

"Fine, scaredy cat." Grian teased, putting Xisuma on a nearby tree, only to get struck by something that was pulled from the ground.

"Grian!" Xisuma climbed down the tree, "GRIAN?!"

With the wind blowing through the trees and everything else, their communicators offline because of the cold, there was no way to locate him from it. Xisuma just kept shouting out his name.

He found a crash site rather quickly and started searching through the items and found Grian. He pulled him out and examine his injuries.

Broken wing, cuts, at least a dislocated shoulder.

"You idiot."

"Don't 'I told you so' me." Grian said, breathlessly and weakly, "Let's start walking."

"You aren't well to travel."


"Guys, we need to find Xisuma and Grian. They're the only ones who haven't arrived." Scar shouted, "It's been hours, it's time to send a search team with the winds dying down. But still stay out of the sky unless it's a brief look. Grian likes to fly, so look for a crash site."

"I'll take Cub and Iskall with me." Doc said, "If they're hurt they'll need medical attention."

"Then get going. Be back quickly."

"You got it."

The three hermits set out, bundled, armed and ready to fight if needed.

At one point, Cub flew up and found smoke coming from a nearby cabin and they broke the door down.

"OH FOR THE LOVE OF HERMITCRAFT!" Xisuma gasped, while he was bandaging Grian's wrist, "You scared the life out of me. Shut the door. Geez, it's like you've never seen a makeshift cabin before."

"WE SCARED YOU!?" Doc nearly shouted, "You two scared us! Not even a check in, no text saying you were on your way, no nothing! Now Grian's hurt and can barely move-"

"Doc, shut up." Grian and Xisuma said simultaneously, "We're fine."

"Actually, I'm fine." Xisuma corrected, "You are hurt and we have to wait out the storm."

"What happened to him?" Cub asked, walking over, "He looks terrible."

"What do you think happened?" Xisuma snapped making room for Cub, "Idiot flew and got hit by a tree."

"I'm not an idiot." Grian said, Xisuma hit him on the forehead, "Ow."

"You are a total idiot. I don't want to hear it."

Grian groaned, they didn't leave the cabin until the wind died completely, then Doc carried Grian to the town hall where each of the hermits waited out the rest of the storm.

Grian slept through it with Xisuma by his side. The rest of the hermits chilling around the middle of the room.

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