Emergency Meeting (2)

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Warnings: Blood, injury.... I think that's it. Let me know if I missed any.

Relationship: I don't remember if I put an intended one or not but I can't be bothered to go check.


Grian and Iskall drew their blades as they walked to the town hall where they assumed RG was.

"Why do you have two lookalikes?"

"Because they were experiments gone wrong." Came Grian's reply when they reached the top of the stairs. He peeked in but immediately pulled back out, shoving Iskall with him. Grian motioned  Iskall to stay quiet as he used his watcher powers to get advantage of some advanced senses, that included hearing. His eyes changed iris colour to a light purple, indicating that his powers were active.

"These hermits are on my nerves. They've killed what? One or two of our own already?"

"Calm yourself, RG. I'll take care of them."

"EX, shut up. These hermits can't be stopped easily."

"TT, you too. You're all thinking about this too hard. We already have the bombs set up."

"Excellent Mr. Mayor."

Grian whispered to Iskall, "They have bombs set everywhere, tell Xisuma. We're gathering in the resistance headquarters."

He and Iskall ran off to the HQ and waited.

The two teams arrived in record time.

Xisuma was first to speak out of all of them, "Grian, wings."

"I know." Grian tapped the side of his head, "Watcher powers, I'm fine. I'm in control."

Iskall chimed in for Grian, "Grian used his watcher powers to hear what the left over four lookalikes were saying. He found out that they're keeping bombs everywhere on the island."

"In other words, no where is safe." Grian said, "X, I'm going to need you to DM the other hermits and tell them to stay out of the district for their protection. Mycelium Resistance, HEP, for this fight we work together to defeat a greater evil. However, take EX alive, he'll be Xisuma's problem."


"Do you have a better idea?"


"Then it's settled. Let's take the fight to them."

"Before we go... Grian, can't you use your watcher powers to destroy the other three at once?" Scar asked, "I don't know how your powers work."

"If I do that, I'll lose control. And that's a rabbit hole Xisuma and I don't want to go down. Let's move out and kick some clone tail."

The two groups and Iskall started to go out but Xisuma pulled Grian aside for a brief moment.

"Are you sure you can do this?"

"Watcher powers are already out. I might as well finish the job."

Xisuma sighed, "Don't go too deep and get overwhelmed. Be careful."

Grian nodded until a call of their names were yelled. Grian motioned Xisuma to follow him out of the headquarters, meeting up with the others.

Grian flew to the tallest part of the base and used his enhanced eyesight to see where the four evils were.

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