Birds Of A Feather?

881 33 20

Warnings: Basaically a panic attack

Relationship: None

Summary: It's not whether it's a bird haunting him, it's a matter of a rabbit.

Request: mosspawz


Fighting a virus that hits your stomach is different than fighting a virus that hits your mind and code.

For the past 3 weeks, Grian's been seeing things.

Things that aren't there.

The only people who have noticed are; Xisuma, Ren, Doc, Scar, and BDubs.

Xisuma has been looking into why Grian's been so scattered lately, but he can't talk to him and ask what's wrong. Last time he did, Grian disappeared for a week.

When Grian reappeared, Xisuma started following him around he server, worried that he'd do something rash. It's bad enough that Grian hasn't been sleeping, he just needed to try and make sure that Grian never saw him.

Ren, Doc, Scar, BDubs

<Ren> Anything, X?

<Xisuma> Nothing yet. He hasn't even touched his food yet.

<Scar> He's not a pet Xisuma.

<Xisuma> I'm just saying, he has like two stacks of golden carrots and regular carrots in his inventory. That's weird right?

<Docm77> Well, it is a little weird. Where are you right now?

<Xisuma> Outside his hobbit hole, I'm chilling on a tree watching him.


<Xisuma> IT'S FOR HIS WELL BEING. You've been stalking him too, don't even lie.

<Ren> ... Shut up X.

<Xisuma> SEE!


<Bdubs> I have a meeting with him and the Sewer Bandit Cat People things soon. Follow him down there.

<Xisuma> I'm sorry, Sewer Cats?

<BDubs> Ask Scar.


<BDubs> SCAR.

Xisuma looked up from his communicator and noticed that Grian was on the move again.

<Xisuma> He's on the move, I'm following him.

Xisuma took off above Grian so that he wouldn't see him. He followed him straight to Keralis's base.

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