'Human' Zoo

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Warnings: Kidnapping, Panic Attack, Crying, Tagging, Cages/Habitats, Separation, Swearing

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma

Summary: The Watchers kidnap Grian and the other 'mutant' hermits and put them in a zoo.

Things: Grian - Angel/Watcher/De-Aged (12), Ren - Wolf, Doc/Iskall - exactly what they are, Xisuma - Void Creature, Tango - Demon/De-Aged (12), (These are the main people basically.)


Grian was asleep in his bed, peacefully asleep when he felt something hit his face. He woke up, the moment he sat up, everything was dark but he was still conscious.

"Let me go! C'mon this isn't funny!"

He felt himself being thrown into something, he managed to get himself out of the thing he was in, turned out it was a black velvet bag with a Watcher symbol on the front. He felt vibrations below him, then he was being moved again. 

He was on a conveyor belt, hearing loud banging and hissing.

"No.. No, no, no, no, no." He mumbled, feeling panic running through his veins. In between machines, he felt his ear and his wings get clipped with something. He saw a red tag on his wing and he knew exactly where he was.

He was back in the zoo that Xisuma broke him out of two years ago. It wasn't run by the Watchers themselves, just by some colonists of the demonic bloods.

He yelped when he was suddenly in a pond of cold water. He was pulled out by claws, they were tight under his shoulders as they held him. He was then immediately dunked in a tub of soap, coughing as he was brought back up to once again be drenched over with water. A collar latched to his neck, then he was thrown into his habitat where multiple people were outside the glass and they started taking pictures of him. He immediately hid behind a rock, hiding himself from the demonic tourists.

He knew the others went through the same process, but he always viewed their methods as rough and careless when it came to cleaning.

A few minutes passed and Grian started crying behind one of the rocks, knees tightly pulled to his chest. He read his tag in his head and despised how they described him.

Name: Grian Xelqua Lite
Type: Angel-Watcher
Age: 12
Disorders: Separation Anxiety, Depression, Anxiety
Other: Tends to want to be alone, can be very obedient when he wants to be. Responds to force well.  

I don't want to go through this again. I want to go back to Xisuma. I want to go back home where I belong. I want to go back to Suma.

He started panicking at the sound of his name, "What if he never comes? What if he's lost? What if he doesn't want to see me again?" He shook his head, "No, no he wants to see me again. He has to want to see me again. He took me in. He gave me love..."

He went into a full panic attack when two people walked in and grabbed him. He bit one of them in defense and broke free from the other running to the farthest corner.

"THIS IS WHY WE THINK OF PUTTING YOU DOWN YOU LITTLE SHIT." The one he bit shouted, "I don't care what you do with him. Shoot him in front of the crowd for all I care."

"He's a crowd pleaser, we can't put him down."

"I don't care. The little bastard draws blood every time he bites someone."

The two left him alone, his thoughts of being abandoned once more flooding his mind as he desperately tried staying away from the clear glass of the cage. He could hear the people awing at him when they could see him and it just made him wan to hide more.


Xisuma was the one captive who forced out any form of looking at him, hiding closest near the door when feeding time came. The person who walked in opened the door, and Xisuma knocked him out, then took his keys and ran through the back halls and gathered each hermit. He ended up having to get Grian last because he was farthest away from him. But he made it anyways.


Grian sat behind the rock crying, not hearing anything over his sobs except for the telltale call of his name from Xisuma.

"I'm gonna find him, and we can go."

Grian moved out from behind the rock, "Sumy!"

"There you are, c'mere kid." Xisuma said softly, trying to calm the child with tear streaks staining his face, he knelt to the child's height letting Grian run up to him and hug him tight, "You're okay, I'm here now. Let's get you home so you can sleep."

Xisuma picked him up, Grian wrapped his wings around him and Xisuma tightly, Grian's face in Xisuma's shoulder. Xisuma felt Grian hiccuping as he walked and he only held him closer, helping him calm down.

"I thought you weren't going to come back for me..." Grian managed to mumble, "I got scared."

"I will always come for you. No matter where you are." Xisuma assured softly, rubbing small circles into the angels' back, "I got you now... Don't worry."

When they got back to Hermitcraft, Xisuma made sure to destroy everyone's tags by sending them into the void only after making sure Grian was asleep.

Xisuma watched over Grian that night, giving him comfort when he started whimpering in his sleep. He slept next to Grian that night so he could ensure no one could take Grian from him again. The amount of comfort the small angel felt in Xisuma's embrace was calming, the flustered and frightened nerves calming down when he breathed, it put him to sleep after a while with a smile on his face.

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