I Won't Let You Go

925 35 10

Warnings: Blood, Injury, Kidnapping, Implied R*pe, Forced Cutting, Mild Swearing, 

Relationship: GriDoc

Summary: Sam's kidnapped Grian after following him through the season seven portal. He's taken another hostage.


Grian was so tired, he'd not slept in three days because of Sam and his 'punishments'.

He was cold as he sat in the black concrete room, his clothes were folded neatly in the corner as he sat against the wall, just waiting for Sam to walk in and hit him.

He worried at what implement he would use this time around. He and Scar have been missing for three and a half days and still no hope of rescue.

"Arms up." Sam said as he walked in, Grian shakily pulled his arms above his head as he stood. Sam tied his hands against the leather ropes tightly around Grian's wrists, "God you're cute like this. All tied up, crying, covered in cuts and bruises."

He walked behind him, "Why did you have to run away when all you had to do was obey?"

Grian let out a yelp when he felt a sharp pain against his backside.

Twenty minutes in, Grian was trembling, sputtering out cries.

"Get dressed and go back to your friend. I'll leave the door unlocked."

He untied Grian's wrists and he fell to his knees. He did as he was told and walked shakily out the door. He sat at the table farthest away from anyone wincing at the pain down his back.

Scar noticed Grian sitting far from him instead near someone he cares about.

He walked over to him and sat across from him.


"I want to leave. I want to go back to where it's safe." Grian said his voice shaking, "I hate Sam, I hate getting hit, I hate it all. Everything he does just continues to hurt more."

"Then why don't you just portal out?"

"Only Xisuma can get through with a portal because our player codes are in his console commands. Me being a Watcher won't get us out of here any faster."

"Can't you heal your wounds?"

"I'd rather not at this rate."

"What? Why? Grian, you're bleeding."

"Don't you think I know that!?" Grian nearly shouted, "If I heal myself, he will force me to cut my wrists. It blocks me from using my powers."


"If he cuts them, I'll be dead in twenty minutes. If I cut them, I'll be dead in forty. So I'd rather not risk it. When you die to self harm, you're dead for good."

Another day passes. Still no rescue team.

Sam had just taken Grian away from Scar again.

As he was hearing Grian scream he covered his ears. He hated hearing his screams of pain and pleads of release.

Every time that door opens he knows Grian's going to be 

When Sam walked out, Grian fell to the ground. His legs too weak to carry his weight.

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