The Missing Omega

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Warnings: Mentions of blood, pregnancy, missing person

Relationship: Ren/Grian

Summary: Grian, angel omega, pregnant with Ren's cubs, goes missing the week he's due.


Grian was lighting up the caves under his base, he knew he shouldn't be on his feet considering he was a few days before he was due to give birth to his alpha's puppies.

Or at least that's what he thought.

He was about to turn away from the wall when he felt a large burst of pain though him. He gasped as he fell to the ground. He started whining as he laid himself against the cold stone wall.

Alpha... Need Ren... Help..


When Ren woke up, he was hoping to hang out with Grian and watch over him over the week.

Alas, he couldn't find him. He wasn't in his hobbit hole, he wasn't in his mansion, not even in the barge.

"Hey has anyone seen Grian?" Ren asked, "I can't find him anywhere and I'm starting to get worried."

"I'm sure he's fine." Iskall said with a relatively calm tone, "You're a good alpha. I'm sure you'll find him."

"That's the thing. He's due to give birth to a litter soon and I can't fight him. It's worrying me." 

"You lost a pregnant omega!?"

"Really? Now you care? Can you help me find him or not?"

"Go to Xisuma, he'll be able to help more than me."

"Thanks, dude."

Ren flew off to find their admin, he looked everywhere for him.

"Okay.. Where is everyone!?" Ren shouted to himself.

<RenDog> Where is Xisuma?

<Iskall85> You seriously can't find him?

<RenDog> No. No I haven't.

<Xisuma> What's this about looking for me?

<RenDog> Where are you X?

<Xisuma> At my shops.

<RenDog> WhIcH oNe?

<Xisuma> The honey one.

<RenDog> Stay there.

Ren wasted no time and flew to Xisuma's shop.


"Ren Diggity Dog." Xisuma greeted crossing his arms, "What can I do you for?"

"I'm looking for Grian, have you seen him?"

"Not at all. Why?"

"He's due to give birth soon, and I've been wanting to watch over him for the past few days but I've not been able to catch him."

"He does know he shouldn't be on his feet as much right?"

"I'm sure he does, but he's Grian. You know him."


Xisuma then turned on his holographic screens and started locating Grian.

"I'm glad you came to me for this."

"You're the only person I could come to for this."

"Fair. But it looks like he's under ground."

"Under- What're his coords?"

Xisuma gave Ren the set of coords and he quickly flew off towards them.

He landed in one of the caves and started running through them to the coordinates.

Ren was quickly walking through the caves when he heard a faint whining coming from a dead end. 

He quickly ran towards the cry, recognizing that it was Grian's cry. 

"Grian?!" He called stopping at a crossroads, "Grian, if you can hear me, make that sound again." 

Though he didn't get a sound, he got a scream, and quickly took the left path. He pulled out his sword, slaying every monster in his path.

The small noises became clearer, louder. Soon it was only pants and soft whines.

Ren began to get more worried with every step, "Grian?!"

He heard an echoing call and ran further towards it. Quickly finding Grian at the end of the cave, his wings around him like a blanket.

He took a breath of relief and kneeled beside him, "Thank Void you're okay. Dude, what're you doing..."

He smelled a faint whiff of blood and an unknown being.

He lightly moved Grian's wing and noticed the small child in his arms and under his wings.

"Hold onto her tight." Ren whispered then carefully picked Grian up and walked carefully out of the cave, watching Grian breathe.

Not a couple minutes later, he laid Grian down in his bed in his mansion and typed out a quick message to Scar.

RenDog /msg GTWScar: Hey, I found Grian in a cave and I need your help.

GTWScar /msg RenDog: What's going on?

RenDog /msg GTWScar: When I found him, he had given birth. Just get to his mansion. I know you're close. 

GTWScar /msg RenDog: I'm on my way now.

When Scar had finished looking over Grian, Grian had fallen asleep.

"Everything's normal. No infections, he's clean, child's clean and healthy. They'll both be okay." Scar confirmed, "Watch over him, do not leave him."

"Trust me, I've learned my lesson about leaving him alone." Ren replied holding their child in his arms, "I'm never going to leave him alone again. I'm not going through this again."

"Cute." Scar chuckled, "Call me if you need anything."

"Will do."

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