Heavy Words

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Problem child

The thoughts rushed through Grians' head. Being one of the only hermits fighting with depression, he sometimes felt as if he had no one to talk to. He felt he bothered everyone by constantly asking if he could just hang or talk with them. 

As he looked at his sword and other items that laid in his chests, he took them out and placed them in his inventory and flew off with no real destination. He ended up landing about 4,000 blocks away from the main lands and laid in the grass for a while, until his communicator started going off like crazy.

<Mumbo> has anyone seen Grian? I've not seen him all day and he and I usually hang for lunch

<GTWScar> I've not seen him either

<Iskall85> He never usually runs off and disappears like that

Grian sighed as he closed his chats and let his arms spread out on either side of him. Then he heard footsteps amongst the grass. Then felt a soft tap on his head. Grian slowly opened his eyes and saw a crouched Xisuma in front of him.

"Hey." Xisuma said.

"Hi." Grian sighed.

"What're you doing out here?" Xisuma asked sitting next to him, "You've been gone for like two hours."

"Has it seriously been two hours?"

"Yeah, you kinda worried everyone." Xisuma said, "I saw you when you were flying over the gaming district. You looked lost so I followed."



"Which leads me to my first question, what're you doing all the way out here?" Xisuma chuckled as he took off his helmet, "You're pretty far from the main land."

"My elytra broke."


"Okay, fine. I needed to clear my head."

"What's going on kid?"

Grian sat up with a slight groan, "I just feel like I bother everyone when I ask them for help or if I just want to hangout because I don't want to be alone."

"Trust me, you don't." Xisuma said, "You read the chat, we love it when you come to us. It lets us know that you're okay."

Grian smiled a little then quickly hugged Xisuma, who flinched a second at the sudden movement, then hugged him back.

"I know that fighting those demons in your head is hard." Xisuma whispered, holding Grian closer, "But you're not alone, and never will be alone."

"Thanks.." Grian whispered pulling away, "We should probably tell the others I'm fine though."

"I'll handle that, but I'm also going to kidnap you for the rest of the day." Xisuma chuckled, "How's that sound?"


<Xisuma> I found Grian, he's fine. :)

<Mumbo> Thank goodness

<Iskall85> Perfect

<GTWScar> Where was he?

<Xisuma> out far from the main land chilling in a field, I'm gonna kidnap him for the rest of the day

<Mumbo> Oooo

<Iskall85> OOOO


<Xisuma> I hate you all

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