
793 28 9

Warnings: Wine. Light Swearing.

Relationship: Grian/Zedaph

No summary for you. Enjoy.


Grian was fixing Zedaph's broken communicator, when he looked up for a second to grab his tweezers.

"That look." Grian said, "I don't like that look. What's with the look?"

He wiggled the tweezers at him as he asked the question, then continued working.

"Oh, nothing." Zed chittered, "I was just thinking... Maybe..."

"Oh no. I don't like where this is going."

"No, no, no. It's good. I promise." Zedaph assured, "It's good."

"Zed, I love you, but I don't trust you when you start talking to me in a sing songy type of voice."

"Well, our anniversary is today... And I was thinking, maybe~"

Grian looked up, freezing all his movements.

"Maybe, what?"

"Maybe, we could have some... fun."

"Define fun. Because there's a lot of versions of 'fun', Zedaph."

Zed moved to Grian's side and leaned into his ear, "Wiiiiiine."

"Zed, you know I don't drink."

"C'mon, Gri! It's just Chardonnay."

"Do you know how much alcohol is in Chardonnay?" Grian asked putting down the device, "13.4-15 percent. That's a lot of alcohol."

"Grian, you've been so stressed lately. You need a break. Let your muscles relax a little."

"Don't you peer pressure me."

"Oh, I'm peer pressuring you. Give in to the call."

"Zedaph, no."

Zed looked to the side, Grian also looked over, but Zed moved his face away from it, "Fine."

"That smile... I don't like that smile."

"What smile?"

"That smile you do when you're thinking of doing something mischievous "

"Don't worry about it love."

Oh, but Grian did worry.

Nothing good came out of Zedaph's creepy smile.

It was nearly sundown, Grian was texting Xisuma, because he was getting rather paranoid.

<Grian> He still hasn't done anything.

<Grian> I'm literally constantly looking over my shoulders for him.


<Grian> I'm scared of what he's planning.

<Xisuma> Would you take a breath for one second?

<Xisuma> He might not even be doing anything bad.

<Grian> Xisuma.

<Xisuma> Yeah?

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