In Love With An Angel

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Warnings: Blood, kinda torture but kinda not, inhumane treatments I guess, once more Grian gives birth to, THIS TIME I'M ACTUALLY GOING TO DO IT, Ren's puppies. Light swearing

Summary: Ren and Xisuma were in the Main Hub gathering items for the transfer over to Season six. Alpha Ren, Omega Grian, Awkward Xisuma... Y'know... The usual.

This one's for mosspawz, enjoy my dude.



It was near end of season five, Ren and Xisuma were casually walking through the Main Hub for supplies for the change over to the next season.

Ren got distracted for a moment when he saw a bright white of feathers, he turned towards it and his eyes widened.

The person in question was an omega, he could tell from the omega mark on his hand, every omega had one. He had a halo, he was sitting on the stage, lightly kicking his feet, and slightly playing with the chain collar on his neck.

That's not right... Ren thought, just staring at the angel, No one should be treated as an animal.

"Ren!" He was snapped out of his thoughts by Xisuma calling him, "You coming?"

Ren took a glance back at the angel, "Yeah, I'm coming."

He then jogged to Xisuma's side and walked with him while they rushed with the rest of their items they needed.

That night when they got home, Ren couldn't sleep, all he could think about was the omega.

His wings, his eyes, just everything. It was so distracting.

The way he was dressed made him mad though.

His clothes were ripped on every edge, every crease.

Ren didn't sleep, because the next morning, he went straight to Xisuma.

"Xisuma, I think I have a problem."

"Explain, Ren." Xisuma said, encouraging him to go on.

"You remember that angel omega that was chained by the neck and being dragged around like a toy in the main hub market?"

"Kinda, but not really. Why?"

"I think I'm in love with an angel." 

"What do you want me to do about it?" 

"Take me back to the main hub. We need to save him." 

"Do you have a plan for that?" 

"N-no.. I didn't think I'd get this far." 

"Okay, Plankton. C'mon." 

~One Portal travel later~

The two were looking through the Hub. Ren couldn't find his mystery angel.

"Ren." Xisuma said, stopping him, "You said this omega was an angel?"


"Do you know how rare those are?"

"As rare as Werewolf omegas. Extremely. Because every werewolf is either Beta or Alpha."

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