Death Loop

861 34 14

Warnings: Blood

Relationship: Grian/Tango


Grian fell from a high place 

Grian was slain by Ravager 

Grian was shot by pillager

Grian was slain by panda

Grian was slain by iron golem

<GTWScar> You okay Grian?

Grian hit the ground too hard

<Tango> I don't think he's okay.

Grian was shot by Keralis using L.L.A.M.B Bow

<Keralis> oops...

<Keralis> sorry sweet face I was trying to help.

Grian was slain by Ravager

Grian was slain by Ravager

Grian was slain by Ravager

<Tango> has Grian pissed off a ravager?

<Tango> either way, I'm on my way now. Ravagers aren't something to mess with 

Grian was slain by ravager

<Iskall85> would you stop dying for five seconds? You'll permadie.

<Grian> he's

Grian was slain by ravager

<Grian> on the

Grian was slain by ravager

<Grian> bed

Grian was slain by Ravager

<Grian> Help

Tango was flying as quickly as he could to get to where Grian was when his communicator went off again.

<Keralis> I can't get to Brian

<Keralis> There's too many Ravagers

<Tango> How many?

<Keralis> Five.

<Tango> Is it a raid!?

Keralis was shot by Pillager

<Keralis> Yes


Grian was slain by Ravager

<Tango> Keralis!


<Keralis> He's in his lovely hobbit home.

<Keralis> It doesn't provide much protection.

Tango knew of the back mountain type thing behind Grian's hobbit hole, so he made quick work and broke through the back and ran into the home and outside where the place was overrun by Pillagers, Ravagers, Evokers, and Vindicators. He saw Grian climbing up against the wall with a ravager tying to bite him.

Tango drew his bow and shot the ravager, and shouted, "HEY, BIG AND BEEFY! CARE FOR A LITTLE CHEWY TANGO?"

The Ravager grunted at Tango and kept its attention on Grian, Tango shot it again.

When he gained its attention, he immediately smirked, "Ha! Come and get me weakling!"

He quickly pulled open his communicator as he ran, taking the Ravagers away from Grian.

<Tango> If anyone is near Grian's hobbit hole, I need backup.

<ImpulseSV> Backup on the way, Tango!

<Xisuma> On my way man, already over half way there.


He jumped onto the mountain, keeping Grian in his sights. He looked so tired, exhausted, trembling.

Tango grimaced at how weak he looked, reminded him of what happened with HEP Security. He hated how Grian looked after his run in with the HEP Security Ravager in the HEP factory, a three pronged scar showed itself on Grian's neck so very visible to everyone.

When suddenly three Ravagers were on fire, he looked up and saw Impulse flying by with Xisuma.

Xisuma shouted to him, "Tango, help with the Ravagers, I'll get Grian and Keralis and I will work on him in my base."

With that, it took Impulse and Tango about half an hour to finish off the Ravagers.

"That was almost too much." Impulse panted, "And we've done Ravager hunting before."

"Yeah..." Tango replied, "I gotta go check on Grian."

"Go, let me know how he's holding up."

Tango flew off, full speed, and almost crashed straight into the building.

"Ow... Clipped the edge. How's Grian?" Tango said walking up to them.

"Asleep, but he'll be okay regardless." Xisuma said, "Ravagers didn't harm him as bad as HEP Security."

"Okay... Okay... Can I.."

"Yeah, just don't wake him up."

"Thanks X."

Within a few hours, Grian sat up with a groan.

"Hey, Gri." Tango said softly, "How're you feeling?"

"Like I just went ten rounds with a raid."

"You probably did. You were being constantly attacked by Ravagers and Pillagers."


"Yeah.." Tango put a hand on Grian's shoulder and lightly pushed him back down, "Lay down, you're still hurt.. I care about you way too much for you to continuously be slightly hurt."


"No, G. Lay down. You need to rest."

"As you wish, D-."

"Don't you dare."

"Fine, fine."

"Good." Tango grabbed the blanket and pulled it back over Grian.

When Tango got up to get a potion, Grian mumbled something.

"What was that?"

"I said. Daddy. Tango."

"You're a twerp."

"This has been established already."

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