An Angry Gremlin

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Warnings: Just a pissed off Grian

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma

Summary: Grian snaps at Xisuma when he's fixing something in Doc and Iskall's heads.


It's been a frustrating day to say the least. Doc and Iskall both got something broke inside their heads and couldn't fix it themselves, so they went to Grian to fix it.

He was grumbling to himself as he worked through the broken wire in Doc's head.

"Stupid cyborgs, not being careful, coming to me every week because they broke something on the inside of their heads. HOW DO YOU EVEN DO THIS?!"

As he switched two wires, replaced one, and put in a new bolt, Xisuma walked in.

"Hey, Grian, are you okay? You be not answered chat all day." He asked walking over, "What happened here?"

"Not the time, Xisuma." Grian groaned, "I need to fix Iskall. Murder Doc for me."

"I-What?" Xisuma asked, "Grian-"

"ARE YOU HERE TO BLABBER OR ARE YOU HERE TO HELP?!" He shouted slamming a pair of pliers on the table beside him, Xisuma jumped back, Grian took a breath, "I'm sorry, X... You didn't need to get yelled at. I'm just... I'm frustrated. These two are smart cyborgs and they can't keep themselves from getting broken."

"What's going on?"

"I don't know. They've basically come to me every week with a new issue. But I do need you to get Doc to respawn."

"Okay... Then maybe you can take a break."

He walked over and put a hand on Grian's shoulder and he flinched away.

"Don't... Don't touch me right now X. Okay?"

Over the next five minutes, Xisuma grew tired of Grian not taking a break and he lightly grabbed his wrist.

"Take a break." He said calmly, "You're frustrated and might break him more."

"Not. Now. X."

Xisuma kept persisting that Grian take a break. But Grian snapped.


"Alright, that's enough." Xisuma pulled Grian away, "You're taking a break whether you want to or not."

"X, just go. Please."


"Let me finish this."

"No, you're taking a break. I'll finish with Iskall. I know what I'm doing. Go out for a fly and clear your head."



Grian huffed and threw his tool on the ground then left.

Xisuma finished with Iskall and forced a respawn.

Five minutes after Grian left, Doc and Iskall both sent in chat.

<Docm77> Thanks Grian

<Iskall85> Appreciate it!

<Xisuma> Guys, try not to break again. You're breaking Grian.

<Docm77> What? How?

<Xisuma> He's mad and frustrated. Just be nice and take care of yourselves.

<Grian> If I see you two broken one more time this season I'm killing you myself.

<Xisuma> See what I mean?

<Grian> Shut up, Xisuma.

<Docm77> GRIAN!

<Xisuma> Like I said, he's mad. I just gotta find him.

<Grian> Don't bother.

<GTWScar> He's at the shore.

<Grian> SCAR

<Xisuma> Thanks Scar

It didn't take long for Xisuma to find Grian.


"Don't you 'what' me you idiot." Xisuma said walking over, "You need to start telling them 'no'. I'm tired of getting yelled at by you because you're frustrated with them."

Grian crossed his arms and looked away from Xisuma.

"Don't you look away from me when I'm talking to you. I shouldn't feel like I'm scolding a five year old."

"I don't want to hear it."

"Too bad. You're gonna."


He went to fly away but Xisuma grabbed his wrist and kept him grounded.

"Don't make me take your rockets. You're taking a break from everything involving technology. You're going to relax. Got it?"

Grian didn't answer.


"Yes! Sheesh, fine. Let me go."

"Sorry, nope. You're coming with me. And I'm making sure you relax."

"I hate you."

"No you don't. C'mon, let's go." Xisuma said then glared at him, "Don't force me to tie you to a bed."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Test my patience and find out."

"You're gonna have to drag me then."

Grian wasn't expecting a reaction because the next thing he knew, Xisuma was picking him up and they were flying away.


He clung onto X's arm as they flew and he started calming down.

As they were reaching Xisuma's base, Xisuma looked at Grian, "Feel better?"

"I... Yeah.. I'm sorry I yelled at you."

"Good, I'll run you a hot bath and start cooking dinner. 'Kay?"

"Why are you basically a father?"

"Because I love you. That's why."

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