All's Not Fair In Love And War

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Warnings: Torture, Kidnapping

Relationship: Grian/Ren

Summary: They're difficult. I dont wanna.


Grian and Ren grew up together. Grian was born as a Watcher, Ren born as a werewolf, the two grew a strong relationship together.

One night during a full moon, he attacked Grian, not in control of his own actions and ended up biting his neck, turning him into a Werewolf-Watcher hybrid. At first, the werewolf DNA didn't mix well with Grian's Watcher powers, but he managed to work it out by isolating himself and learning control for a week.

Grian's scar from Ren's bite was more than visible, and more than obvious that he was in a relationship with a Werewolf.

Today, Grian and Ren laid on their backs strapped down tightly to a table, both dressed in hospital gowns. Grian's powers completely neutralized, he wasnt able to get them out of the place they were in.

For once, he wasn't the one solely being hunted. But ever since Ren turned him, he was taken with him.

Grian jerked his right arm against the strap.

"Grian, I'm so sorry you're going through this with me." Ren said, Grian could hear the hurt in his voice, he wanted to turn his head towards him but with the strap over his throat, he couldn't, "If I knew you'd be hunted with me, I never would have wanted you to be here with me."

"Ren, I'm going to get us out of here. One way or another." Grian strained, jerking once more against the straps, "My powers may be neutralized, but I'm going to make sure you get back to Hermitcraft."

"WOULD YOU QUIT JERKING AGAINST YOUR RESTRAINTS HYBRID?! It's getting quite obnoxious." Someone yelled out, rolling over an IV drip line and inserting it into Grian's hand, "Oh little hybrid... Let's get you started with some silver before we start experimenting with your blood and organs."

Grian's eyes widened and his entire body jerked against his restraints, he nearly choked himself in the process. Three other people ran over and had to hold him down as the silver was slowly administered into his drip. It wasn't enough to kill him but enough to weaken him to the point where he couldn't struggle. He was soon only able to breathe through his mouth, a wheeze was heard with every breath.


"Shut up, or we'll do the same to you."

Grian's head fell back and hit the table and he couldn't really move anymore than he could. His eyes closed and his body went limp.

The people who had them, specialized in Watcher torture and Werewolf skinning. But with Grian and Ren, they wanted to experiment on the two while causing as much pain as possible to Grian.

Thoughts didn't completely register with him, his mind was complete static.

The scientists did as they wanted with Grian, ignoring Ren for the time being.

The moment the scientists left, the silver's effects were slowly wearing off and he remembered that he still had a chip in his wrist that he could activate that sent out a location to the nearest person in Hermitcraft that had access to commands.

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