ZIT's and Spores

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Warnings: Grian teases Zed, but that's about it. XD

Relationship: ZIT/Grian

Summary: Grian's disappeared, ZIT are more worried than anyone.


It was almost midnight, and Grian was no where to be found in the base that the four shared.

When Zed woke at one in the morning, still with no Grian, he woke up Tango and Impulse.

"Guys, Grian still isn't here." He said, his voice quiet, but fright buried inside, "Where is he?"

"Zed.." Tango said tiredly, "I'm sure he's just having a late night work session. Go back to bed."

"But I've not seen him all week."

"Zed, sleep. We'll worry about him later."

"But, Tango, what if he's hurt? He's all alone out there."

"He's a Watcher, he knows how to fight."


"Zed, go to sleep."

He stopped talking, and went to sit on the edge of his bed.

When he heard his Private Message tone beep, he immediately looked at it.

<Grian> Zed..

<Grian> Help...

<Grian> Hurt...

<Grian> Forest...

<Grian> Stitches... Need.

<Zedaph> Grian, stay where you are, I'm on my way now.

"Tango! Impulse! Get up, Grian's hurt." Zedaph shouted turning on the lights, "Grian needs our help."

"What's going on?" They asked sitting up.

"I don't know, but he's hurt and in some forest, I'm about to text Xisuma and ask for his coords. Get up and get dressed. C'mon!"

<Zedaph> Grian? You still with me?

<Grian> Barely

<Zedaph> DO you know where your coords are?

No response.

<Zedaph> Grian?

Still no response.

<Zedaph> GRIAN!?

He opened his private tabs with Xisuma.

<Zedaph> Xisuma, I need your help, it's urgent.

<Xisuma> It's one thirty in the morning.. What's wrong?

<Zedaph> Grian texted me he's hurt and in a forest. I need his coordinates.

<Xisuma> Has he responded?

<Zedpah> No. And it has me worried.

<Xisuma>  He's outside his hobbit hole in the jungle. Behind it.

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