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Warnings: Blood, Injury, Implied and mentioned Torture and Rape, Drugs, mild swearing

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma

Things: Grian's Captain of Precinct 213.


Grian's been gone for three months undercover in a drug ring. He was only allowed three hours of sleep a night and one meal.

While being undercover, he's gone through three hair colours, black brunette, now blue. He's only been there three months, arrested once, beaten three times, others he refused to talk about.

He had a large scar going down his back from a fight he was in earlier in the week.

On the line, he was called Sandoval, he had almost forgotten his name a couple of times, but it didn't stop him from doing his job.

~Time: 11:30PM Loctaion: Drug Exchange Alley~

Grian was down with his boss meeting they're client.

"Five hundred. Show me the cash, you get the drug." His boss said, "That's the deal."


"Boss, cops. We need to go!" Grian shouted, he and his boss both took off only Grian didn't make it out, he ended up getting tazed.

He was shoved to his knees. His hands cuffed tightly behind his back.

"You best read me my rights." Grian said, "Go ahead, read 'em piglet."

"A mouthy one." One of the officers groaned, "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you. Watch your head."

He was put into the car, staying silent the entire ride.

Once his prints were taken he was put into an interrogation room, only when he got into a fight, some cops had to break him out of it. Grian ended up biting one of the officers on accident, but not really, he drew blood.

(He's a violent little shit.)

He was pulled into an interrogation room. "What do you have to say for yourself? A kid in a drug ring fighting against one of your dealers. It's not a good rap on your sheets."

Grian chuckled then looked the officer up and down, "You're cute, Officer Romero. It's too bad I already have a guy. But, let me talk to your captain."

The officer rolled his eyes then went to get his Captain.

The captain walked in minutes later, "This the kid?"

"Yeah. Idiot bit me."

"You're gonna need a shot for that piglet." Grian chuckled, the officer walked out.

"Is he really?"

"No." Grian laughed, "Get me out of these things would you?"

"Why are you here?" He asked uncuffing Grian, "Also what happened to you? You're covered in cuts."

Grian rubbed his wrists as he spoke, "I got tazed while doing an exchange. Can I go? I gotta get back to the ring."

"I can do you one better, how long have you been undercover Grian?"

"Two or three months. I don't remember." Grian scratched his arm a tad, "I also think I have a small heroin addiction from working with the drug too much."

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