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TW: Panic attacks

Ship: None intended

Summary: Grian runs off after finding a leaf with a Watcher symbol on it. He hides himself from Xisuma and the other hermits.

It was supposed to be a peaceful day in the world, though some things had other plans. Grian had gone for a walk in the district when he stepped on a fallen leaf that then glowed at him.

"What the-" He said and picked up the leaf. When he turned it around he gasped and the leaf grew purple, and the mark on his wrist came out and shined bright. He crumpled the leaf in his hands and flew off in a hurry.

What he didn't notice was the other hermits being in the district.

Xisuma, Mumbo, and Iskall were all hanging out when they saw Grian frantically flying away.

"Is he... running from something?" Iskall asked, "I don't see anything there."

Xisuma brought out his holographic screens, "Yeah, no. I don't see anything at all. There's nothing else here."

"Guys, I think he's glowing?" Mumbo mentioned, "There's like a purple glow against his left wrist."

"PURPLE!?" Xisuma shouted, "We gotta go. Help me find him."

"X, what do you know that we don't?" Iskall asked.

"Look, it's not really my place to tell, but Grian... He's a Watcher. He hates that part of his past. And we need to figure out what's got him into a panic. Come on." Xisuma replied, getting into the sky and chasing Grian down, Mumbo and Iskall following close behind.

Grian noticed that they were behind him and dove deep into the jungle. Being a fantastic flyer, he was able to maneuver through the trees to lose the hermits following him.

He hid behind one of the trees and pulled his hands to his head as he caught his breath.

"They can't be here. They just can't be." He mumbled to himself sinking beside the tree pulling his knees tightly to his chest.

He probably sat alone for about five minutes before he heard leaves crunching. He hadn't heard the hermits calling his name until after they put hands on his shoulders. He tried pushing them away but with the way his ears were ringing he couldn't hear anything. He only felt constricted for a moment before realizing that it was only the hermits trying to get him to stop trembling.

"Grian... Grian, calm down. Breathe."

After a few seconds Grian was able to see and hear the hermits properly.

"They can't hurt you. They're not here, you're safe."


"Yeah, it's me, Iskall and Mumbo as well. You're okay. Breathe."

"I'm.. I'm okay." Grian breathed. His breathing wobbly.

Xisuma and Mumbo helped Grian to his feet while Iskall flew up to see where Grians' nearest base was. And they guided Grian down to his Hobbit hole with it being the closest.

They let Grian continue to stay calm while they made sure that Grian ate something, and slept.

Xisuma stayed with him until he were to wake up again.

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