Lucid Nightmare

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Warnings: Panic, Sleep Paralysis I think kinda, mentions of; rape, abuse, torture

Relationship: Grian/Ren

Summary: Grians having a rather real feeling nightmare.  Ren helps.


The night was rather loud. Ren wasn't home yet but Grian was asleep.

He didn't feel like he could wake up from the nightmare be was having.


"You can't be serious right now, Sam!" He shouted backing away from the armed murderer, "Theres are other ways we could settle this that's not killing me!"

"What you did was unacceptable Grian." Sam hissed, "You can't just run away to hermitcraft and live a happy life."

"Yes I can! I'm there to get away from you. Because unlike you, they care!"


"No, you did everything TO me!" Grian started to have tears forming at the corners of his eyes, "You've lashed my back, you've raped me, you've given me no form of speech, YOU'VE GIVEN ME SO MANY REASONS NOT TO TRUST ANYONE! I can't even let the Hermitcrafters touch me without flinching because of you and they're the kindest people I have ever met!"

"You're so ungrateful! It was all for your well being."


"I'm a part of you whether you like it or not. That chip in your head, it's from me. You will always know I'm with you whether you want to or not. You can't escape me, Gree-On. You never will. And you need to accept it!"

"NO! I am in a happy relationship, and I don't need to worry about you. I still have Panic attacks because of you. The abuse and torture just never ends with you!"

"I'm a part of your subconscious, just like you wanted all those years ago."

"No, that's what you wanted. I wanted to be free of your possession. You're a glitch, nothing but a piece of corrupted code. And you use that power to mentally break me."

"You were broken from the start."

"No I wasn't."

"Yes you were. You always were and always will be a broken little curse!"


Ren walked in around 2AM with sand in his hair. He heard whimpering and immediately ran to the source of the call.

When he found Grian, he was twitching and whimpering. He ran to his side and began waking him up.

"Grian, Gri, hey, wake up kid."

When Grian shot up, his head hit Ren's chest and Ren quickly pulled his arms around him, one rested on top of his head, the other around his shoulder.

Ren could feel and here him gasping, crying, trembling.

"I'm here, I'm here. It's okay, it's okay." Ren assured softly, "It's okay Gri... I'm here. I got you."

He could feel Grian tighten his grip against his shirt and Ren rested his chin on top of Grian's head.

He stayed up with Grian for the next hour until he fell asleep.

As Ren laid beside him, he pulled Grian close to his chest and held him there. He didn't want to start another Panic attack fit for that night. He knew if Grian was having this much trouble with one nightmare, it was better to not bring up old memories.

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