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<Grian> Mumbo....

<Mumbo> Yes?

<Grian> I need help

<Mumbo> With?

<Grian> I'm stuck

<Mumbo> Uh

<Grian> I'm stuck in one of your trees. Come help me :'-(

<Mumbo> What are you stuck in

<Grian> One of your trees I think?

<Mumbo> ... Suffer


<Iskall85> I'm coming, I wanna see Grian stuck.

<Grian> My wing is actually mangled in the branch and leaves, please help

<Mumbo> Where are you in my base?

<Grian> dude, look up. Your base basically ate me.

Mumbo looked up and saw Grian slightly waving at him, then flew up and landed on the ground beside the tree.

"What're you doing here mate?" Mumbo asked, "And how did you manage this?"

"I was here to prank you." Grian said, "But my wing is mangled in the branch. Please help me. I literally cannot move."

"Apart from your right arm." Mumbo said looking behind the smaller hermit, "Yeah, you are pretty stuck in here."

Cue Iskall.

"What happened to you?!" Iskall shouted.

"Came to prank Mumbo, his base eats me, y'know. The usual." Grian said.

"Hey, Iskall.." Mumbo said, "Stay below him in case he can't fly when he drops."

"What?" Grian panicked, "Don't drop me Mumbo."

"I won't if you stop moving your head." Mumbo said, he took his sword a began to break a branch. The leaves of the tree shaking slightly as he did so.

"So, how fast were you flying?" Mumbo asked, Grians' eyes widened.

"Uh..." Grian said, "Pretty fast.."

"Yeah, that's what I thought." Mumbo replied, "I'm gonna have to physically cut that vine off on the ground."

"Yikes..." Grian mumbled.

"Enjoy your fall." Mumbo said, cutting the last part that was holding Grian in the tree. Grian screamed as he fell from the tree. Landing in Iskalls' arms.

"Nice catch." Grian nervously chuckled, Iskall let him down carefully after getting a good laugh in with Mumbo landing beside them.

"Sit." Mumbo demanded.

"What do you think I am?" Grian asked, "A dog?"

"Do you want that vine off or not?" Mumbo retorted, Grian visibly shrunk down.

"Yes.." He mumbled, then sat on the ground. Mumbo then walked behind him and started carefully snipping parts of the vine off of Grians' wing.

"I can't believe you got stuck in a tree." Iskall said, "You're usually a really good flyer."

"I can't believe you let me fall from a tree."

"We should put a shock collar on you, so every time you do something stupid you get shocked." Mumbo chuckled as the last bit of vine fell from Grians' wing.

"Let's not do that." Grian said standing up and stretching his wings, "I'm not an animal."

"Then stop flying like one."

"HEY!" Grian shouted, "We all know I could out fly you."

"Is that a challenge?" Mumbo chuckled, "Iskall, I think that's a challenge."

"Hermit challenges?" Iskall said cheekily, but Grian quickly hightailed it out of Mumbos' base before they could say another word.

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