Mental Torture

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*******Warnings: Torture, Sleep Paralysis, Graphic Depictions of Violence and Blood, Dream Permanent Character Death*******

Relationship: Grian/Ren

Summary: Grian has a nightmare that causes him to have sleep paralysis. In this state, he is faced with his biggest fear, Sam, and kills Ren in front of him, unable to wake up from the torture thinking it's real.

Request: GoroAkecki I hope this appeals to your request! <3 (I did a lot of research on sleep paralysis. I really hope you like this.)


Sam tied Grian and Ren to a pole, underground at y level four where his underground bunker was.

"I told you that I'd find you one day, Gree-on." Sam taunted, grabbing the frightened builder's chin, "And now, I'm going to teach you a lesson."

Sam started walking towards Ren, and Grian shouted, "No! No, Sam, please! Ren didn't do anything wrong! Please, don't hurt him! Do what you want to me, just leave him alone!"

Sam grabbed Ren's arm and shoved him against the wall, strapping down his wrists and ankles, ignoring Grian's pleads of release.

Grian saw Sam slowly walk over to his table and grabbed a cleaver then walked back over to Ren. He grabbed Ren's hand, and Grian shouted once more, "SAM STOP. HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!"

"Shut up or I'll cut off one of your fingers too." Sam threatened, a loud chop was heard and Ren screamed. Grian whimpered, clenched his eyes shut and looked away. Grian struggled against the chains on his wrists. Ren's screams kept sounding, echoing through the stone room.

At one point, Grian started crying when Ren's screams stopped.

Sam walked up to Grian and pulled his chin up with his bloodied hand and forced Grian to look at him, "All fingers and toes are cut off, you don't have to hear him right now my sweet."

"Sam, I love him. Please just leave him alone." Grian sobbed, "I can't listen to the love of my life scream anymore."

"Shh, it's okay. You'll meet the same fate as him as punishment."

"But I'm the one who did something wrong, not Ren. Please, he can't take anymore. You'll kill him."

"I don't care, you shouldn't care either way, you'll be right behind him."

He let Grian go and soon the metallic smell of blood started to make Grian feel sickly. Limb after limb was chopped off in front of him. Grian couldn't move to stop it, his arms were chained to the ground along with his feet.

Grian's sobbing only got stronger while he was hearing Ren scream for his life. After a small moment, Sam looked up at Ren and chopped off his head.

Grian woke up in a scream, feeling his wrists and making sure they weren't chained. He was gasping for breath, pulling his knees up top his chest, tears falling against his knees.

"Grian? You awake? I'm back."

Grian looked up when he heard Ren's voice. When Ren walked in he quickly ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"Whoa, G. What's going on?" Ren asked, holding Grian close to him, "What's wrong?"

"I-I-I-I had a-a-a-a dream... S-Sam.. You.. He.. He killed you, he cut off all your limbs. I-I-I-I couldn't do anything about it and-"

"Slow down, love." Ren said, then picked Grian up, "I'm still here. I'm alive, I'm okay."

Grian heard a loud thunderclap then a flash of light and clung onto Ren's shirt even tighter.

"It's just thunder, Gri." Ren whispered, walking him back to the bed, "You don't have to worry about anything. Sam can't hurt you."


"He can't hurt you, listen to me. Okay? He can't hurt you."

He wiped Grian's tears away then moved next to him in the bed. As Ren kept trying to calm Grian down, he just inevitably resulted to holding him instead. Shushing him quietly, waiting for his trembling to die down.

Throughout the rest of the night, Grian stayed as close as he could to Ren, refusing to let him go.

The next morning, Ren went to leave, and Grian ran up to him and grabbed his arm, "Please let me come with you."

"If it'll ease your mind, of coarse you can come with me."

"Thank you. Thank you."

"It's fine kiddo. C'mon dude."

Grian smiled lightly and followed Ren closely for the next few weeks. And to Ren, it was the cutest thing ever. Him being Grian's strong protector, protecting his small boy.

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