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Warnings: Blood, Torture, Injury, Half Blind Grian

Relationship: Grian/Sam (Abusive), Grian/Doc

Summary: MainHub police locate and rescue multiple tortured, abused, traumatized omegas. They take them all to a home where they're put up for adoption.

Things: Grian - Angel Omega, half blind from Sam's abuse.


MainHub police busted through a door, shouting over each of the crying omega's in the cells. They had three different squads that had run through.

The Captain of the group heard one omega's cry, he recognized that cry. It was an all too familiar sound, he walked towards the cell where it was coming from and opened the curtain.

There he found an angel omega, wings facing towards him. He broke off the lock and opened the door, being careful not to touch the angel's wings. The omega's wings clearly had feathers ripped out of them, cut in three places, he walked back out and shouted down the hall, "Hey, I need paramedic down here. Angel, wings heavily injured. We can't move him until his wings are stable."

When the paramedics were stabilizing the angels' wings, they noticed a claim mark that was faded on it's neck, "Cap, he's got a claim. But it's heavily faded, I think the alpha just abandoned him."

"We'll deal with that part later." The Captain said, kneeling beside the now near wailing angel, "Shh, shh, shh. It's okay. We need to get him out of here, all of them, now."

The angel kept wailing, even louder when he was being moved.

"Give him something to calm him down." The Captain said, "He won't calm down."

The paramedics put in an IV into the angels' hand, then put a drug in it that could help him fall asleep. The poor thing's wail died down within seconds as the drug took its effects, putting the omega asleep quickly. The Captain nodded his head, signalling the paramedics to leave.

~Hours Later~

Doctors were taking the angel's vitals when he noticed that he was awake, "Hey young thing, Good morning!"

"Alpha.. I want Alpha." The omega squeaked, "Now."

"Well, you were chipped, but your, I'm assuming, claimed Alpha isn't answering his phone." The doctor explained, "We also ran your blood in our system, and you've been here before. You're only fourteen and have had three kids, all given away."

"He said I didn't deserved children." The angel said, "He said that he'd rather sell them online than let me have them and be taken care of."

"Look, kid... Erm, Grian, you're an omega, not some alpha's play thing." The doctor explained the rest of Grian's injuries, "You were stabbed by something, which is why you're half blind. Our Optometrists think it was punctured by a claw of some sort."

A day later, Grian was moved to the omega home. He refused to eat, refused to talk, refused to see anyone that wasn't the alpha who claimed him.

He was there for a week before three people walked into his room. Grian was hiding under his blanket while he slept on the floor curled up in a ball. When he heard the door shut, he only listened for what would happen next. Usually if it was a worker, they'd set a plate down and leave. But he heard multiple sets of footsteps, one heavy, one light, one sounding somewhere in between. He heard the fabric of clothes shuffling then blocks being placed down.

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