Panic Room

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Requested by StarrySolaris (1/22)

Warnings: Referenced/BRIEFLY MENTIONED Cutting, Abuse, Panic Attacks

Ship: Scarian

Summary: Grian has a panic attack about YHS and locks himself away from the other hermits. Scar finds him when he sees him flying over ScarX.


Grian was normally a happy kid. Bubbly smile, happy attitude, seemed phased by nearly nothing.

But today while he was mining in the gravel mountains, he thought he saw a white rabbit the size of a regular player. But the moment he looked at it, it disappeared.

He didn't want to think anything of it so he kept mining away.

While he was there, he kept seeing the same figure and it was starting to frighten him.

Memories of Sam's abuse replayed in his mind.

He closed the shulker box and didn't bother picking it up as he quickly flew off spamming rockets. He continued using twice as many rockets as he would have as he quickly flew to his mansion.

Scar however was nearby where Grian was flying and he followed him until he found him in a random hidden spot in his mansion.

"Grian?" Scar called when he saw him trembling in a corner mumbling, 'Don't hurt me' over and over again, "G-Man?"

Scar walked over to him slowly, when he was a foot or so away, he whispered to him once more.

"Grian... Hey, can you look at me?"

Grian paid no attention to the mayor beside him, he kept shaking and rocking back and forth.

Scar moved to where he was in front of Grian's face and pulled out a lavender plant and placed it a couple inches away from the panicking hermit.

"Grian, love. Look at me. I need you to breathe.. Okay?"

Scar reached out his hand to Grian only for him to flinch away and hit the wall.

"Grian it's just my hand. Can I touch your foot? Minimal touches?"

Grian tried to speak but he couldn't find his voice.

"Can't speak? That's okay. Hold up two fingers if I can touch you."

Grian held up two fingers and Scar slowly moved towards him. He pulled his arm around Grian, and immediately felt tears falling against his wrist.

"Breathe.. It's okay.."

"Sa-Sam... Sam.."

Oh. "He's not here love. Catch your breath and then talk to me."

It took a few minutes for Grian to calm down enough with how tight Scar was holding him.

"S-Sam used.. Used to ke-keep me in a shed in high sch-school."


High school was hell for Grian.

It was near midnight, Grian was only allowed to eat plastic and Tauritos all day.

He'd gotten sick twice from it and that's why Sam threw him in the shed in the freezing cold. Middle of winter in a blizzard.

He was shivering uncontrollably as his wrists bled covering the white snow and turning it red with every drop. He wanted to leave.

He was scared.

He was alone.

He had no one.

When the door suddenly slammed open Sam stood with a whip in his hands.

"Wrists. Let me see them."

He shakily showed him his bleeding wrists. Nervous on his reactions.

"What have I told you about injuring yourself?"

"N-No-Not to-to do i-it." Grian stuttered.

"Up and turn around."


Scar told Grian to stop talking when he started nonstop stuttering. 

Scar only held Grian in place as he waited for his energy to die off so that he could wait for him to sleep and put him in a bed.

When that happened five minutes later, Scar silently picked Grian up and called Xisuma over.

"Is he okay?"

"No, I think it's time for another memory damp." Scar said, "This one was bad."

"Got it."

Because of Grian's past, depending on how bad the current panic attack is or was, Grian agreed once he was asleep that they would be allowed to dampen his memories to prevent another attack too soon.

Within the next few days, Grian was okay and allowed to go places without someone looking over him.

Every hermit cared about Grian enough to make sure that he wouldn't go back to that headspace he used to be in.

For the next few days, Grian slept over with Scar just to calm his nerves and feel safe against his embrace.

The actual fic has 666 words and I think I should be frightened.

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