Demon Wars

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Warnings: Blood, Injury, Corruptions, THIS IS NOT FOR THE WEAK MINDED! Very graphic!!!!!!!!!!

Relationship: Xisuma/Grian (Brothers)

Things: Shadowhunter AU because it's fun and I like hybrids and the concepts.
Grian - Vampire/Wolf/Watcher (Angel)/Warlock/Shadowhunter hybrid. (Look to Hunted for details.)
Xisuma - Same as Grian but not Watcher but Angel.


"Xisuma, you need to calm down!" Grian shouted grabbing Xisuma's wrist, "This institute doesn't need a hybrid who can't control his actions!"

"Says the guy who literally just took on the demon queen and lived!" Xisuma snapped, "You think you're smart, we lost Mumbo because of your 'tactics'. Was that part of your plan?!"

"You know damn well that was not part of my plan. Mumbo's death was hard on all of us, I had to lead the funeral. This thing we do isn't about us! It's about saving thousands of lives, and you know that."

"Do I? Because for the past month, you've been acting like everything's okay."

"I held Mumbo close to my heart, he was my boyfriend. You need to go take a breath. You're my Parabatai, and I don't want to see anything bad happen to you. I cannot stand to lose another person."

Xisuma rolled his eyes and walked away, Grian stayed in the middle of the room, silent. He took a heavy sigh then a hand on his shoulder. Grian looked up at the person.

"He just needs time."

Grian shook his head, "It's been two and a half months, Impulse. It just feels like he's blaming me for everything."

"Just give him some space."

"I've given him as much space as I can." Grian left Impulse in the main room and went to the training hall.

Grian always tended to train shirtless, so when he fought he could be able to attack with as much speed as possible.

While he trained all he could see were the graphic images of multiple Shadowhunters mutilated, runes cut out of their skin, eyes taken out of their sockets. He slammed his hands on the post when he remembered what Mumbo looked like. He breathed heavily while he tried getting the images out of his head. His head rested on the leather of his gloves, Beads of sweat dripped onto his knuckles. The wounds along his arms, sides, and upper chest started to hurt because he still wasn't fully recovered.


Grian turned around, "Saoirse, it's been a while baby sister."

"Grian, I have a name. Where is our brother?"

Grian chuckled, "Probably out destroying a tree for no reason."

"Are you sure? I can't find him anywhere outside."

"Hey I never said he was outside here. He could be out in Hermitcraft. I don't know, I'm not his babysitter."

"Yeah but you're his brother."

Grian then got an extreme pain where his Parabatai rune was on his chest. He fell to the ground, he heard his little sister gasp.

"Grian? Grian, are you okay?"

"Something's wrong with X." Grian replied with a wince, he pulled himself to his feet, Impulse ran through seconds later.

"Grian! Something's wrong with Xisuma!"

Grian glared at him, "This. This back and forth thing, it's not happening." He snapped his fingers, changing into his normal black uniform. Black leather jacket, black tank top, black jeans, black combat boots, blades on his sides, bow and quiver on his back, "Let's go."

"I'm coming with you." Saoirse said, Grian snapped towards her with a strict look.

"You are not trained to be in the field. Stay here, that's an order."

"You're my older brother, not my boss."

"I'm in charge of the institute, therefore I'm in charge of you. Impulse, let's go."

Grian opened a portal to where he felt Grian was. His relationship with Xisuma was strong enough to find out where he was through portals.

In that very forest, Grian and Impulse saw multiple trees torn down.

"Wow, Xisuma causes damage."

"Impulse, he's a hybrid. I think this is stage three damage. He goes through these slower than I do."

"When did you hit phase three?"

Grian chuckled as he walked through the forest, "Let's just say my teen years were hard for Cieara."

As they were walking through, Grian got cut by a stray nail on the side of his neck, "Okay, he's nearby."

Grian took off all his weapons and handed them to Impulse.

"Grian, what are you doing?"

"Trust me Impulse, Xisuma's my brother. I know how to get to him." Grian rolled up the sleeves to his black leather jacket, exposing the pale skin of his wrist, "And with Xisuma being part Vampire, this will be a little dangerous."

Grian walked up to Xisuma, dodged a punch and forced Xisuma's teeth into his right wrist, blood dripped from the penetration. After a moment, Xisuma grabbed Grian's wrist tightly and continued feeding on him.

When Grian started feeling weaker, more dizzy, he heard someone shout, but it didn't register.

Xisuma's eyes faded back to normal and he realized what was going on and he pulled off of his little brother and kept him to his feet, "DUDE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS THAT IS!"

"You're my brother." Grian gasped, "We need to portal out."


The three Shadowhunters appeared through the portal moments later, Grian hanging against Xisuma's shoulders.

"What happened to him?" Xisuma's mother asked, she heard Grian chuckle as he showed her Xisuma's bite mark on his wrist that was now drenched in blood, "He's an idiot."

Xisuma laid Grian on one of the infirmary beds, someone shouted, "How much did you drink from him!?"

Grian chuckled, "Fair amount."

"Grian's an idiot for not knowing boundaries." Xisuma said, "Get a blood transfusion going."

"Hey, our blood is highly addictive. It's why we never feed off of each other. I'll live."

Xisuma hit Grian in the head, "Get him taken care of, I'm gonna wash up."

"Why did you let him feed off you?" The other Shadowhunter asked when Xisuma left, "I never understood you hybrids."

"He was too far gone in a change, he needed a reminder of what he was."

After a minute Grian went to sleep, with the transfusion still going, the Shadowhunter working on Grian hadn't noticed that the angel blood he was giving him, was tainted with demon blood.

He didn't notice until Grian started spasming and his wings summoned.

"Grian?" He asked, the moment he did, his throat was cut and Grian disappeared.

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