Fires and Injuries

689 24 14

Warnings: Fire, implied ARSON, injury, hospitals, mention of blood

Relationship: Grian/Scar

Summary: Grian lives with Scar, their house gets set on fire. Grian gets injured while trying to help.

Addons: Real life vibe, Grian's basically adopted by his family, Grian's a Watcher


Grian woke up to the fire alarms blaring. Smoke was already filling the room, it was thick smoke quickly bombarding the room.

He heard a faint call of his name being called, but over the crackles of fire and wood being collapsed, he barely heard it.

Grian ran to his door and tried opening it, he had to bust it open with his shoulder slamming against the wall ahead.


"SCAR!?" Grian shouted back, putting his head into the crook of his elbow, coughing violently,  trying to find Scar quickly, "Scar!? Where are you?!"

Grian felt the ground beneath him start shaking and crumbling as he walked. He found Scar seconds before the floor caved.


"Scar and Grian still aren't out yet!" Scar's mother shouted, "What're we going to do!?"

"Calm down, Maryn. We'll find him." Scar's father said, "My team is on their way. We'll get them out."

A loud crash was heard, and the roof toppled in and the two boys were trapped inside.


Grian coughed as he slowly came to, "Ow.."

"Grian! Give me a hand!" He heard Scar shout, he turned around and saw a beam across Scar's leg.

Grian shot up and helped lift the beam up enough to get Scar out. Both boys were covered in blood, cuts, and ash.

"We're trapped." Was the first thing Grian said, "What do we do!?"

"Nothing, you gotta remember, Father's a firefighter." Scar started explaining, "He'll get us out of here."

Grian started looking around, "I don't know about that. We have no way of contacting them to say we're alive. Mother is probably freaking out."

"She'll have to deal with it. We just need to think. How long until we run out of oxygen?"

"By looking at how much smoke is here, how low we are, and how soon the rest of the house will crumble, my best guess? One hour."

Some time passes later, the smoke was starting to get too much. With Grian's asthma, it was getting harder to breathe by the second. He coughed shallowly, his head hitting the back of the wall.

"Grian?" Scar asked, then ran over to him when he saw Grian's eyes close, "Grian. Grian, don't fall asleep. Don't fall asleep."

He tapped Grian's face, trying to wake him up, but he couldn't. A hole was hit through the wall, Scar's attention going straight to it. Seconds later, Scar's father popped through with the rest of his team.



"GO. You've been in here way too long. Go!" He ran to Grian's side as Scar was being taken out, "Jameson, we need to get him hooked to oxygen. Get them both to hospital."

He picked Grian up, quickly rushing him out of the collapsing house.

When he reached the surface, he shouted out, "Get me a stretcher, IV, and oxygen!"

A stretcher was quickly brought over to him, he laid Grian in it, clicking the straps. Oxygen was being connected quickly to Grian.

The young child only woke up half way through the ambulance ride.

"Heart rate 65, BP 187/115."

"Put him in a medical induced sleep for thirty-six hours. We'll check him in the morning."

Grian's consciousness quickly left him immediately after hearing that sentence.

~Thirty Six Hours Later~

When Grian woke up next, he was in a hospital room, oxygen hooked up to him, IV, and heart monitor.A soft hand running through his hair, he looked at the person.

"Scar, tell the nurse he's awake." A female voice said, Grian's vision still slightly blurred, "How're you feeling Gri?"

"Tired." Grian mumbled, "Where's father?"

"Paperwork. He'll be here soon to check on you. You scared me."

"I was about to ask how, but I already know how."

"Hun, you were in ICU for twelve hours. ER for another twelve, then you were moved here."

The nurse walked in not a moment later, "How's our little trooper?" It was a rethorical question, but she started noting down Grian's vitals, "Everything's normal, your little man should be able to go home soon."

Grian smiled lightly, then let his head fall to the side looking at Maryn, the same smile spread on his face.

~Hours later~

Grian had fallen asleep in the bed at Maryn's parents' house. Maryn walked in, and woke him up, "Hey, you need to eat. You've not eaten anything since you were discharged."

Grian mouthed an 'okay' and sat up in the bed, Maryn tried spoon feeding him like a baby bird, but Grian insisted he could eat by himself.

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