Plane Crashes & Close Deaths

504 22 16

Warnings: Blood, Injury, Implied Death, Plane Crashes, Near Death

Relationship: Implied GriSuma


"Lieutenant Grian XC, 245. Badge number 255460. How can I help?" Grian asked as he ran up to one of the fire fighters, "Looks like you guys could use a hand. Where do you want me?"

"Greetings Lieutenant, can you stay on traffic control for a moment?" The captain asked, "There's a lot of people on this beach."

They heard a loud explosion above them, then a plane crashing down into the ocean.


Xisuma was on patrol with Ren when they heard a distressed call come over their radios.

"Attention all available units, I need immediate back-up at South Long Island beach. Plane crash of maybe about 150 people. Expected casualties of a hundred or more."

"757-L-52 responding, enroute."

Ren looked at Xisuma, "That sounded like Grian."

"That's because it was Grian."


Grian watched while he moved people out of the way to a safer location, hearing the sirens of back-up coming up across the bridge. He heard the chat between the captain and his sergeant through the walkie talkies. He walked over and proposed a solution.

"Captain Blake, what's going on?"

"My people are having trouble getting in there. They say there's a nine year old kid stuck in the back."

"Cap, I'm tiny, I can get into any small space. It's what my team lets me in for. Let me help. Just keep everyone behind the lines until my back-up comes."

"I don't know if I should let a cop in there."

"I risk my life every day when I put on this uniform. You don't have a choice but to let me help you."

The captain sighed, "Take off your walkie, I'll order the boat back while you get ready."

While Grian was getting ready, Xisuma and Ren ran up to the captain of the fire unit on scene then Grian came out from behind, "Hey guys."

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Xisuma asked, "Grian-"

"Look, Cap, they need a tiny person in there, I'm going. There's still people in there and we need to help them no matter the cost." Grian explained, "I'll be back, and I'll be back alive."

The boat pulled up, Grian gave Xisuma a kiss on the cheek and ran over to the boat then they sped out to the quickly sinking plane.

"Who did you people bring now?! I don't recognize this newbie."

"With all due respect Sergeant Horono, my name is Grian. I'm the Lieutenant from 245, badge number 255460. I'm here to help." Grian noticed that the water was rising quickly, "Is she free underneath?"


Grian took a deep breath and dived under water, taking out his knife, cutting the airplane seat belt and getting the passenger free, "She is now, go. I'll get the kid in the back, not an issue."

"You will drown Lieutenant!"

"I'll be fine, I'm tiny!" Grian shouted, he looked towards the kid, "Go!"

Grian got over to the child, "Hey kiddo, I'm gonna get you out of here. Okay?" He noticed the water waving over, "Take a deep breath for me."

The child responded and Grian gave the young child praise to try and calm him down more, "What's your name kid?"

"Pablo." He said, voice raspy, "Please help me."

"Don't worry, I will just breathe and I'll take care of the rest."

Grian took another deep breath and went under the water, seeing the kids' leg pinned under another seat. He moved closer to it and carefully lifted it out of the way. He soon found that his jacket had gotten caught on it and he had to discard it before he drowned. When he appeared above water again he immediately noticed the water level was up to the child's chin, he told him, "Take a deep breath, I'm getting you out of here. You'll be fine."

Another deep breath from the officer, he managed to cut the child's seat belt off, get the attached clothes off and felt the plane dip deeper and deeper into the ocean.


The speedboat came back, and worry immediately hit Xisuma's heart.

Moments after the plane went down, Xisuma and the rest of 245 that were on the scene stood on the edge of the beach.

"Where's Grian?!" Xisuma shouted, he saw one of the overhead spotlights from the helicopters, but the radio chatter was not sounding any good.

The fire captain walked over to him and said, "My people can't find your friend. I'm sorry."

Xisuma looked at the captain annoyed, "You cannot be telling me that my boyfriend-- That my officer is dead! Grian has to be alive!"


Grian had grabbed hold of the childs' shoulders as he swam up to the surface where the lights were. He was quickly running out of breath and he could tell the child was as well. But the moment he hit the surface, he was being pulled up into a boat and he started coughing.

"Lieutenant? Lieutenant, are you okay?"

"I'm.." He coughed harshly, spitting out water, "I'm okay, out of breath. Ah, ow... How's the kid?"

"He'll be okay." The rescuer said, "Thanks to you."

"Hey, I'm tiny. It's what I do." Grian replied with a chuckle, he leaned against the back of the boat, a few metres from the shore, Grian stood and picked up the young child and put him on a stretcher the moment he was able too.


Grian turned around quickie, his wet hair splashing in his face, "I told you I'd be back ali-"

Xisuma slapped him, Grian flexed his jaw, "OW! DUDE!"

"Never scare me like that again!" He shouted, "I thought you died!"

"I told you that I'd be back!" Grian looked down at a red liquid dragging down his arm and chest, "Oh look at that, I got cut. And that means that I need to get tetanus shots. LOVELY. I'll meet you back at home."

"I- What?! Grian, I'm going with you because you're a stupid idiot. But you saved a kid's life... But you're still an idiot."

"All part of the job." Grian chuckled, he then shouted over to one of the paramedics, "Hey, I need attention over here. I've gotten cut a couple times."

The fire captain walked over to them, "Your captain boyfriend person is right. You are an idiot."

"But I saved a kid's life. That's what I care about." He hopped into the back of an ambulance with a chuckle. There the paramedics helped Grian and demanded him to the ER where he could get what he needed.

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